Corrupt a wish

Granted, but you would spam (like i did.)

I wish all my good songs are featured.

granted, but there will soon be a Notessimo strike, demanding them taken off.

I wish I was omnipotent

Granted but you were assassinated 10 years later by Ace.

I wish i was a famous music artist.

Granted. In 10 years.

I wish I could run my own business company.

Granted, but you go bankrupt and you die.

I wish I liked fish.

Granted, but your fish smells too much.

I wish my covers are less incompetent. (the Notessimo ones.)

Granted,ā€¦ waitā€¦ nvm the wish commited suicide. (sorry)

I wish I couldnā€™t wish this wish which means the wish itself is being wished not to be wished which is the wish, I wish.

granted, but your head explodes due to all the stuff going through it.

I wish I lived when there were dinosaurs.

Granted, but they are extinct for 100 thousends years long.

I wish Casio re-released the next keyboards: MA-201,CT-380,SA1,SK1,CT636,PT88 & CTK-451.

Granted, but theyā€™re all pretty much the same keyboards, with different prices.

I wish I had a pet Barioth.

Granted, but heā€™s dead.

I wish my B minor Pentatonic rock is better rated than 1/5.

Granted, you compose better song (sorry, I just canā€™t corrupt this oneā€¦ :L)

I wish everyday was christmas and I got new presents everyday for 365 days a year.

Granted, but youā€™ll get war again if some people want have war again.

I wish the fashion of long hair is back. (because i want long hair badly, although i have long hair sometimes.)

Granted, but you realize you canā€™t grow long hair anymore.
I wish I had my PS3 back.

Granted, but you got it broken because someone smashed it into the wall.

I wish i could go to New York City.

granted, but you get lost.

I wish I had a never ending plate of pancakes

Granted, but you are forever full and canā€™t eat them. Perhaps show them to your friends?

I wish I could think of a wish.

granted, but you wish for something stupid.

I wish i was bored

Granted, but it took a while to find out you were bored, and by that time you became un bored again. ?
I wish I knew how to tie my shoes.

Granted, but you forget that your shoes tied themselves.