Granted, but you break your leg and can’t play.
(Good luck, by the way! Hope you actually win.)
I wish I could eat a lot of sweets and never be sick or overweight.
Granted, but you break your leg and can’t play.
(Good luck, by the way! Hope you actually win.)
I wish I could eat a lot of sweets and never be sick or overweight.
Granted, but you become a sweets addict and have to spend your life in a rehabilitation center.
I wish I could use all public transport for free.
Granted, your transportation crashes into a bomb factory!
I wish I was equipted for a zombie outbreak
Granted, but the zombies eat you anyway. They always do.
I wish I was fluent in Spainish and Swedish.
Granted, but now those languages are forbidden.
I wish I wasn’t this lazy…
Granted, You die from steriods overdose
I wish I could watch a barbie movie :3
Granted, but it was terrible.
I wish I had the best paintball gun.
Granted, you end up shooting yourself with it before dropping it off a cliff.
I wish girls were as kawaii in real life as they were in anime.
Granted, They hate you…
I wish I had a clone
Granted. He frames you for a crime you never commited.
I wish I could use the Force.
granted, but you accidently use the force at school, then you go to detention.
i wish i was on television.
Granted, you’re on Jersey Shore…
I wish my leg didn’t hurt…
Granted, but then you didn’t break a leg and had terrible luck.
I wish I had lots of fans.
Granted, but one of them steals your couch!
I wish!
Granted, You Fail
I wish that aliens exist.
granted, but they take you away to their planet.
i wish was as smart as albert einstein.
you ARE ALBERT EINSTIEN! you are dead.
I wish I had pudding -3-
Granted, but it was produced from horse manure.
I wish I could ride a unicycle.
Granted, but the last unicycle on earth is destroyed.
I wish all my fingers were thumbs.
Granted, but you don’t know how to use them.
I wish Gensokyo was real.
© 2007-2024 Jean-Denis Boivin