Granted, but everyone is taken victim by danmaku fire.
I wish I didn’t have to eat to live.
Granted, but everyone is taken victim by danmaku fire.
I wish I didn’t have to eat to live.
Granted, but you feel hungry forever and if you eat anything, you die!
I wish I could play Black Ops II already!
Granted, but you don’t get online gameplay.
I wish I could transform into anything I wanted…
You accidently transform into a cloud and cannot change back!
I wish I was a sexy vampire
Granted, but you have no bloodsucking powers and you can only turn into a bat.
I wish video games were real.
Granted, but you wake up on Dead Island and can not escape.
I wish I cod spel
I wish that the zombie apocolypse was real and I was fully equipted.
Granted, but you accidentally drop your gun and can not find it.
I wish I was a sexy vampire girl
Granted, You are exposed to Sunlight, Water, Grain, Crosses, Stakes, Holy Water, Priests and Exorsists… You are SCREWED.
I wish I was at the legal age to drink alcohol.
Granted, but you keep your current young appearance and bartenders refuse to sell you alcohol.
I wish I could sleep 11 hours a night and still finish all of my homework.
Granted, yet you keep dreaming about finishing your homework and it pressures you every night you go to sleep. Sweet dreams!
I wish my friends would abide to the III Laws (only people who have seen the movie: I, robot may answer the question)
Granted, but you blow up.
I wish that I could write faster.
Granted, whenever you write your penci becomes on fire from the friction.
I wish I could cosplay.
Granted, but you cosplay as Gollum.
I wish I owned a sleigh pulled by nine flying reindeer.
Granted, it breaks easily and it moves as slow as a turtle swimming in tar.
I wish I could rap very fast.
I see you Clearsnow
Granted but your vocal chords explode
I wish I could quote other people
May your kind never return to this sanctum.
I wish I wasn’t clumsy.
granted but now can’t do anything accidental. Or even fake something accidental.
I wish HT would lay off my woman!
granted, but now SHE’S laying on HIM
i wish i lived in Equestria. as a pony.
no funny business
granted, you get buttraped by discord
(lol that’d be horrible…)
I wish sonfax wasn’t such a topic locker.
© 2007-2024 Jean-Denis Boivin