Corrupt a wish

granted, but now he hacks into the site and deletes EVERYTHING

i wish i had a wish to wish

Granted, you just wasted it XP

I wish that emoticons existed.

Granted, but the devil emoticons take over the world.

I wish it was a little warmer here.

Granted, ten minuets later th thermosthat brakes.

I wish Tsukasa wouldn’t stop stalling the collab.

Granted, but now she is in a hurry and we each get 3 seconds to add our part.

I wish i didnt have to wake up at Five in the morning.

Granted, you now have to wake up at 4:59 am

I wish for a segway.

Granted, but you get made fun of every time you ride it.

I wish I was as good at music as cartrox.

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granted, but the music you will play will only be on the banjo.
i wish time could slow down.(for these next two weeks)

granted, but now you keep reliving the same two weeks over and over again

i wish i was more popular

Granted, but all of your current friends now hate you.

I wish everyone knew who the dancing green dog in leifeday’s signature is.

granted, but then you will have nightmares about it.

I wish there was snow where I live.

Granted, but your house gets snowed in.

I wish I had a wish to grant. OH WAIT.

granted, but you use it on something useless.
I wish i could think of something to post here.

Granted, but your post offends everyone and you get banned.

I wish everyone in the world was a pony.

Granted, but now every square inch of grass is covered in poop so now we have to eat poo-flavored grass.

I wish that in another dimension, I had a wish.

Granted, his wish was unfortunately not granted.

I wish I could actually do parkour.

granted,but you fail miserably and break every bone in your body.

i wish i ruled the world.

Granted, but you get assassinated.

I wish that people could say and spell my fake name and my real name correctly.

Granted but everybody thinks you are two different people.

I wish I could get Minecraft.

Granted, but it doesn’t work.

I wish that woiadslkfjfnxmz,sdrljf