DYJHIW the jizz is not Jazz?
300% Volume
DYJHIW the jizz is not Jazz?
300% Volume
DYJHW someone uses 300% volume in a song, especially when you use the synth bass#1 and put it on all the notes possible on the first line and they go for infinite beats and you break your headphones and then you get mad cause you paid big $$$ on them and you yell FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuu-
DYJHW synth #2 overlaps and makes it sound wierd because it starts soft then gets loud for a brief moment and then gets soft again?
DYJHW when you have to shovel snow with a spoon.
DYJHIW you spell Blarg’s full name wrong?
DYJHIW your Sega Nomad is stolen?
DYJHW someone is 18 but what they do or make makes them look like a three year old?(sorry if i’m offending someone)
DYJHIW Starburst doesn’t look at your songs?
DYJHW your mountainbike breaks?
Don’t you hate it when you get a virus on your laptop/computer and it deletes everything including all of your songs even though you have an anti-virus software that was free though it could have been secretly paid for in someway and they take all your money and your broke so you smash your laptop/computer into thousands of pieces in anger.
DYJHW topics that you thought were good get LOCKED and you are like “whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? why do these have to get locked, i mean i thought these were good!”
DYJHIW You shatter your glasses in anger because some user named, “HaiThar” got the ‘Staff vs Users’ thread locked?
DYJHIW HaiThar is old fashioned?
Stunt Attempts on A race Bike.
DYJHIW you crash on stunt attempts on a race bike and it doesn’t fell dat good.
This has blown up since the last time I saw it!
DYJHW fashion goes out of style?
DYHIW YouTube is Down?
DYJHW Ctelin Ajira does not make an awesome Song?
© 2007-2024 Jean-Denis Boivin