granted, but you use it on something useless.
I wish i could think of something to post here.
Granted, but your post offends everyone and you get banned.
I wish everyone in the world was a pony.
Granted, but now every square inch of grass is covered in poop so now we have to eat poo-flavored grass.
I wish that in another dimension, I had a wish.
Granted, his wish was unfortunately not granted.
I wish I could actually do parkour.
granted,but you fail miserably and break every bone in your body.
i wish i ruled the world.
Granted, but you get assassinated.
I wish that people could say and spell my fake name and my real name correctly.
Granted but everybody thinks you are two different people.
I wish I could get Minecraft.
Granted, but it doesn’t work.
I wish that woiadslkfjfnxmz,sdrljf
I wish that that post would make sense.
granted it now does, but it’s in chinese.
i wish i owned my own space shuttle.
Granted but you crash onto the moon and the moon cracks in half. You change history forever.
I wish I could get a record deal.
Granted, but it is the same company that produced “Friday”
I wish FL fruity edition had Automation Clips.
Granted, but they constantly don’t work right.
I wish I was eating clean and sanitary sushi right now.
Granted, but you die of food poisoning (they lied to you… it wasent sanitary)
I wish I had 12 fingers…
Granted, but you mutate and turn into a monster.
I wish my FL Producer Edition had all the plugins unlocked.
Granted, but you don’t know how to use any of them.
I wish I was a wizard.
granted, but you accidentally cast a speel on yourself, turning you into a frog.
i wish i was a captain of a ship.
I wish I had a Nikon camera
granted, but when you take a picture of yourself, the flash makes you blind.
i wish i could draw/paint as good as GCVL
Granted, but you can only draw pictures of death that predict the future.
I wish more people listened to my music.