I Saw this and I was like WTF!!! what do you think a game like that is going to be like?
I read about this garbage two weeks ago on the Scorehero forums. I think I speak for everyone when I say, “This has got to be Neversoft/Activision’s worst idea yet.” They have a game that is to be called Band Hero. Band Hero is a very stupid name for a game. After hearing about that, which is silly because WT was basically Band Hero, I scrolled down and saw a disc-shaped disc with 3 buttons on it–DJ Hero. I was like, “This has got to be Neversoft/Activision’s worst idea yet.”
Hey at least harmonix doesn’t milk their series to 9 games a year
i recently saw a gameplay video of this, it looks a lot more well thought out than it first sounds, with a crossfader and other stuff than just the disc with the 3 buttons.
Well looking at the gameplay, Graphics look pretty good.
I don’t really agree with this game. It just looks like
a guitar hero hack with a 3-button disc instead of a guitar.
All difficulties evolve around 3 buttons and the crossfader.
I don’t think activision/Neversoft are catching the viewers thoughts
for nex-gen music games.
Worst idea so far.
BLOODY DAMNIT ACTIVISION/RED OCTANE! can they make the — hero franchise any more retarded?!
well at least there’s not a game that revolves solely around the bass…
Violin Hero
Yellowcard only.
YES! I would buy that for sure, I WOULD BE AWESOME!
Btw, why don’t we get back to DJ Hero my good people.
I don’t really care about this game, it just seems…
Unnecessary to make.
DJ Hero… full of crap music that is no where near rock and anything with listening value. Band Hero, almost full of crap music from bands that claim that they’re ‘rock’ or ‘metal’
I personally think they should stick with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. DJ Hero looks interesting, but it looks nowhere near as fun as shredding plastic.
If DJ Hero had a batch of good Trip-Hop in the soundtrack, I would pick it up.
The sampling feature sounds pretty sweet too.
Personally, I think Guitar Hero is losing it. I just got 4 on the 29th of August, and it’s nowhere near as good as 3. I think eventually I’ll get Smash Hits because I adored the first couple ones, and hate basically all the new ones, except maybe Van Halen. I’ve never had Rock Band, but I hear it’s better than guitar hero, which means that at least they can please their fans, which is more than Activision and Red Octane can claim.
They BOTH Need better songs… Some reviewers say that what they need is new “game Modes” but all they need is good songs…
I got to try the game at best buy, and it was actually really fun!
DJ Hero… full of crap music that is no where near rock and anything with listening value. Band Hero, almost full of crap music from bands that claim that they’re ‘rock’ or ‘metal’
Yes. That is it. Enough said. This thread should be locked, because there is nothing else that is to be said. You took what all 17 of us who regularly post wanted to say, and mashed it into two senteces. I (and the other 15 of us who regularly post) should all agree with this completely accurate statement, for if we don’t, we are only lying with ourselves.

Yes. That is it. Enough said. This thread should be locked, because there is nothing else that is to be said. You took what all 17 of us who regularly post wanted to say, and mashed it into two senteces. I (and the other 15 of us who regularly post) should all agree with this completely accurate statement, for if we don’t, we are only lying with ourselves.
Epic ending to your post, Fishrocker