DYJHW when TPAM(and for those who dont know what TPBM is, it’s the person above me) creates songs soLOUD (as in 300% loud) causing not only ear torture, but also speaker torture(aka speakers making the sizzling sound) then causing the speakers to break.
DYJHIW One does not simply haz a cheezburger that’s medium sort-of-rare, even though-
Rick Astley: Never gonna GIVE YOU UUUUUP, never gonna LET YOU DOOO-OOOWN, never gonna-
Mr. Popo: Pecking order!
???: I like trains!
Mine turtle: Hello!
Nyan Cat: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyany-
DYJHIW you realize that germs are everywhere and that no matter what you do, you’ll never escape them, ever, in your entire life, and that there’s millions on and in your body, and about as many in your mouth, and also on your keyboard, and…