Everyone I have a confession to make... I AM FLAMING DUCKY

We’re sneaky ones, that’s fer sure.

and fishrocker, don’t leave him out of the meddlers, too!

So now what are we gonna do, Now that we made that joke, Is this thread over?

threads are never over… unless they are locked.

But now what are we suppose to talk about? I mean really, I think this thread is over.

So…Kdiuldlea didn’t ban this account after the joke?

Wait…Wait…Wait…I was reading through and GS said that I unbanned the account, NO i didn’t, Me, Kd, and Heart did this after I was no longer a mod, Heart un-banned FlamingDucky.

Dude…ENOUGH WITH THE SHIT BRICKS!! What the hell does that even mean!!!

Oh Slipknot, so naive.

Oh really? I know what that means! I heard it when I was playing Poke’mon Mystery Dungeon.

Well, it’s true.

The majority of Americans. Such a pathetic country I live in…
you wonder why all of your kids are brats…because you dont know how to raise them…you shelter them and continue the line of ignorance through out america…naive

Where’d you get that from?

So Flaming Ducky is fake?

Hear hear.

I got it from Urbandictionary.com.

WHOA WHOA WHOA… HOLD THE HELL UP. Sorry for being so cynical but I find it really hard to believe that this was all just a joke.

Just look at this post… I mean LOOK AT IT. GO back and read all of page 4 over… this post literally came out of nowhere. OUT. OF. NOWHERE… conveniently right when shit was just getting tense. PLUS- look at the way the post was worded… I don’t know about you guys but try reading it aloud a few times. Yeah… so what you MIGHT have unbanned flamingducky and you MIGHT have pulled some giant prank on notessimo but that never exactly proved that slipknot is not flamingducky.

…So here’s my theories.

1)Slipknot had some sort of negotiation with KD and HS and decided to pretend that slip was not ducky just to distract us from the almost established fact that SLIP=DUCKY… and I’ll admit it ALMOST worked. So what you’re saying in the post above is “LOL WE UNBANNED FLAMINGDUCKY WE PRANKED YOU GUYZ” not “LOL WE PRETEND DUCKY=SLIPKNOT WE PRANK YOU GUYS” Why would they do this?.. Well… mods gotta stick together right?

  1. KD and HS got played by slipknot and he actually is flamingducky but slipknot decided to do all that above and play it off as a joke when it really wasn’t.

Fishrocker still has that one screenshot that proves that slipknot is flamingducky and all you mods have against it was “lol it was a joke”. Sorry but I’m not buying that.

So basically what I’m saying is… THIS TOPIC IS STILL OPEN.

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