Everyone I have a confession to make... I AM FLAMING DUCKY

We need at least one more awesome thing to happen!


See this post right here? THIS IS GENUINE. KD WAS SURPRISED. Further supporting theory number #2.

maybe slipknot started the prank with a message from way back when… and I still don’t get what the PM has to do with anything. How does it prove anything???

So what you’re saying this HUGE prank that spanned about 2 years was in the end executed by THIS???:

I don’t know about you but if I worked so hard on a 2 year long prank I’d make the climax… you know… a bit more suspenseful?..

Besides it’s not like slipknot somehow was able to predict me making this topic and fishrocker leaking that screeny… unless… ME AND HIM ARE BOTH PART OF THIS AS WELL.

maybe Flaming ducky was never banned, which would mean… Hypo is a part of this too! OH CRAP…

Or… we can take the more believable route and say that slipknot is flamingducky instead of saying all the mods are part of some sort of secret Illuminati rip off?

How do you know? we weren’t here when it happened! or at least I wasn’t…

Actually, this was all my idea. I’m not questioning the idea the slip may be flamingducky, but neither am I supporting it. He messaged me on facebook whining about you guys saying he’s flamingducky. I then proceeded to propose the unbanning of flamingducky. This plan was set into motion. Flamingducky then posted and that’s when all this shit got intense… wait… OH I GET IT! Flamingducky! [facepalm]hahahaha[/facepalm]

How can any of us believe you? What if you’re just saying that to get slipknot off the hook as another part of your well-thought-out plan?

Besides…whether or not slipknot devised the plan or not my second theory still remains intact.

Do you have a grudge on Slipknot?

Or perhaps you’re trying to get everyone against Slipknot as part of an elaborate plan. ¯_O.o_/¯ Maybe you’re the next flamingducky. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Or… maybe slipknot has a grudge against me… and him knowing I would argue to the death just to prove he is an abomination to notessimo it will inevitably make me look like a huge douchebag if I wind up being wrong?

to late for that.

Way to waste your 400th post on such a wrong post.

Ok, Here’s the truth. Me and My brother usually write down our passwords and put it in a folder. That folder is filled with TONS of passwords, That’s when HS decided to make the prank, and he wanted me to find out Flamingducky’s password. I look through that whole folder and eventually found it. And that’s when we started the prank.