Final Fantasy

Oh, I’m quite serious, DarkDan can attest to that.

Clonefan… here’s something you should know… Hypo does not kid about anything! lol

This is my current project. I wish I could whip out the songs at a more rapid pace but freakin college sucks, especially when I still need 40 hours of work to pay the bills on top of school. I started this on spring break but then Thursday came around, and sorry but the NCAA basketball tournament comes first. Remember, priorities! Hope to find time maybe next week to do it since I usually play x-box during the school week when I get my little time to myself…except MLB 2K9 sucks and I need them to release a patch (the 2nd one for that game in fact) just to pray my franchise doesn’t freeze!!! (Sorry for the long post, had to vent)

Oops…just realized I put this in the wrong thread. Meant to put in unfinished songs. Oh well, I was tired and it was late

just a thought, hypo. if you think it sucks and should be redone, why dont you try your hand? (I mean Bombing Mission of course)

Just something quick I whipped up. One of my favorite scenes from Final Fantasy VII, especially since someone spoiled what happened to Aeris. Wish there was a harp though.

does anyone else not hear some of the notes in Clonefan’s songs? like in the Bombing song, i cant hear the french horns in sheet 4 or the drums in sheet 3. same thing happened with a song i have had saved for a few months. is this a problem with anyone else?

I decided to try something different. So I went to VIII for this one. Turned out ok imo but it was incredibly hard to get the right instruments as well as get the pitch down with the echoing of the original song. Oh well, here it is.

Well I decided to give this song a bump. Although I actually changed it a bit on sheet 8 so that the left speaker doesn’t crack. I just removed a couple instruments and it sounds pretty much the same other than the absence of the crack. This also gives the newbies a chance to get a look at it. Again, enjoy.

Final Fantasy VII-Opening Bombing Mission

Wow, triple post…what the??? Well, I guess when no one besides me posts in this, being that my last two posts were April 29th and May 15th I really have no choice…

Anyway, wow! Still More Fighting is Complete, and I must say this came out to be by far my best song. IMO I blew OBM out of the water with this, so enjoy.

Still More Fighting

Psssh. 'sokay, I guess.

Dunno if it blew OBM out of the water though… maybe I just prefer OBM.
Holy hell there’s alot of detail in those wind sections.

Wow… that was pretty damn good. Much better than mine, and it’s still not done yet.
Where did you find the sheet music or whatever for it?

Hypo: Like I said, imo it blew obm out of the water. I kinda like smf more personally but I guess I would probably think obm is better if I liked it more. I definitely worked harder on smf that’s for sure.

Kd: I used one source and once source only, a youtube video of the origional song. I just listened to it about 17,000 times over.

Clone fan officially convinced me

Strings 2 Synth 1and the percussive organ were all put in this game just to cover final fantasy songs.

Wow, crazy. I found a Guitar Pro tab… but it doesn’t have the wind instruments with it… hm, maybe I’ll just use that to make a ‘rock’ version of it (hlisten)

Holy hell, Clonefan, that was great

I just wish I have played that game before

Clone…I am so in love with you right now.

all hail clone!!! bows repetedly

I made Weapon Raid from Final Fantasy VII


That was really good, but I think you could’ve used something besides the clarinet/bass clarinet for those trill-like parts and also sped it up a little so you can make it flow a little more. As it stands now it sounds more like a really annoying car horn. But besides those minor parts it was extremely good.