Final Fantasy

Do you have any suggestions for the instruments, Clonefan? That part annoys me too… The flute sounded too high, but maybe I could turn down the volume to those parts too, but just a tad. ;p

I think that I solved the abusive car honking. Took your advice, Clonefan and doubled the speed on those particular parts with the trills and made it a flute instead.

Weapon Raid v2:

Dang! Forgot to alter how long the snare drums go! D: Sorry, try this…

Weapon Raid:

EDIT: It’s finally to my satisfaction! The trill part was fixed thanks to Clonefan (^o^)

Weapon Raid v3:

it’s definitely better, but the flute still just doesn’t sound right, too high maybe? I’m not sure if notessimo has an instrument for it though so…I dunno. I experimented a little to see if I could come up with something but, it’s pretty hard.

Really I’m overcritiquing it, it still is an outstanding piece

nah, it’s fine. I really didn’t like the first version of trills, especially hearing them eight times per loop… ; Your critique really helped ;D

I found two translations for when the vox starts on one winged angel…thanks to random comments by people in youtube

Estauns Interius (burning inside)
Ira Vehementi (with violent anger)
Estauns Interius (burning inside)
Ira Vehementi (with violent anger)


and then there is the hilarious one…you can here it if you listen closly to the words

Bells, Frogs, Bing Cherries
Jingle Bells, Ham and Cheese
Bells, Frogs, Bing Cherries
Jingle Bells, Ham and Cheese


hope you enjoyed the piece of info

haha! I’m back with another final fantasy masterpiece! This time the boss theme from VI. Yes, I know it’s been done before but I thought I’d perfect it. Enjoy!

Great song, Clonefan.

Another fabulous song, Clonefan! You have a knack of making it sound as close to the original as possible =D

thanks, though it has it’s pros and cons.

Pros: Obviously my songs are awesome, enough said.

Cons: Because I want them to be so perfect, this song that would take most people no more than an hour to do, took me 7 hours. I guess you could call me an OCD composer

I decided to deviate from my normal style and throw this out there.

Amazing… Good job.

This is pretty epic! It fits since it’s the final battle.

It is done! A masterpiece of epic proportions! A few of you may already know about this via the browse section because I share a lot to prevent losing everything if my songs get deleted (which happened once!) So here it goes, get ready to faint!

Final Fantasy VII-One Winged Angel

that was epic, spot on, and perfect.

Im lovin it!

Wow that was a perfect recreation (if not perfect almost perfect)

The vocals in some parts was blocked out…but that doesnt take away the epicness of this song

That was fricken epic, man.

What do you do now Clone?

You’ve just summited Everest. The ONLY possible follow up is Dancing Mad.

And I don’t think you’ve got the balls.

hmmm…challenging me publicly on the forums eh Hypo? I like your style. I have the balls that make even grapefruits jealous, so that will be a project to tackle, but I may have to take that slower. I’ll be honest, I’m not that familiar with that song because I only beat FFVI once and that was too long ago to have an appreciation of the music. This will be slightly new ground for me and my school work lagged on me a bit due to OWA, so don’t be expecting anything soon from that ungodly long track, but it’ll be on my list now.


They generally flaunt their simple grace and pure athleticism.

But that’s good to hear about you putting it on your list.