Final Fantasy

reads last 4 posts

slowly backs out of topic

Oh my :3

Simple version of Daemon’s Court from Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles. There’s a lot of hate for this game, but I didn’t think it was that bad of a game. Decent graphics and pretty sweet music in that game.

I thought it had the best graphics of any gamecube game ever!!!
Especially the final fight with Raem when hes a giant sword (yes hypo a giant sword you might like that!!! )

I also saw the FF1 is in the Wii Shop now

P.S. Daemon’s court is also my fav level btw so i love it even more…and i thought it didnt sound bad compared to the original

I swear that reminds me of J-man’s version of “He’s a Pirate,” where all he used was a harpsichord as well. Nice! I never actually had a Game-cube, as I’ve been a playstation person from the start, but now I have the Wii, and I wonder if I should get a copy of Final Fantasy. Never had it, (FF) so personally I believe that Metroid Prime and Prime 2 had the best graphics. Sorry Kamarai!

’ Tha fuck is that? Some kind of phallic reference?

Do I come off as gay? Is it the DC thing? 'Cause that’s totally platonic in large part to the whole underage, Greco-Roman, Chris Hansen aspects.

Or maybe I just read too much into that… now would be a good time to re-back out of the topic Roast.

Hey guys! Did someone call my na-

backs slowly out of topic

notices door is locked

jumps out window

LOL cough smrpg cough hmmm hypo did you hear something? No…okay

and star ( that is your new nickname ) you got me there but it still had some awesome graphics

moves topic to a windowless building

Thanks, Kamarai and Star! (rock) It’s funny what some spare time can do.

lols at the last three posts

Ironically that seems to be my nickname everywhere…And yes. I just looked up a video for FF and figured out it had some good graphics as well. I think I’m biased towards FPS’ and FPAs (First Person Adventures such as Metroid Prime) a little. The only RPG I’ve ever played was Runescape (which sucks unless your a member), and if you can count this: Pokemon (although I’ve never played the console versions of this game).

What the hell happened to my beloved Final Fantasy thread? Oh well, guess I’ll have to put it back on topic with another posting of my One Winged Angel, darn.

LOL that song is still epic but…you could just talk about final fantasy randomly (rock)

But I did, I randomly decided to post my awesome song again, it was so random it was…planned! Wait…

One of you needs to do Necrons theme from IX >>

IX is love <3


There. My song which is a mix of one winged angel And FFXII’s Esper battle music.


Crisis Core - Final Fantasy 7~ Price Of Freedom


This thread is as untouched as MC hammer, but that’s beside the point.

Here is Clash On the Big Bridge. It wasn’t too difficult at all really, just a bit confusing at a few parts. Overall it took me 1.5-2 hours to do, and I think it turned out rather well.
I actually believe Pakki (I think) requested this a while back.

Not too much else to say except enjoy!

I think this is up there with one-winged angel (in terms of the OST). roll in the fanboys

Once again YAY!

I thought his name was spelled Uematsu…

I dislike sudden key change in sheet 12. D=
(I’ve never actually heard the song before, so I’m not sure if it’s in the original)

no key change, the bass and metal guitar, rather than playing a note (or in the guitars case, a chord containing the same notes, just switched around) differing from the percussive organ, they play in unison.
and it is Uematsu, a typo i dont plan to fix, ever. so do not suggest it please kthxbai.