Is it just me or is sheet 17/“tier 3” in general a MASSIVE rip-off of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue? At any rate, nicely done. I’m not familiar with the original song, but you seem to have put a lot of effort into it.
I’d say you deserve it, but unfortunately that would mean usurping my number one position. In which case GO TO HELL
17 minutes?! That must have taken you ages. I haven’t bothered to listen to the last few (coughsixteenandahalfcough) minutes of it but still it deserves to get you way higher than me on Roast’s list.
Badass that you actually did Dancing Mad. My only problems were that: you needed to switch the female vox for the male vox in various parts (mostly tier 2), and make it more staccato with a reverb effect (by duplicating it on another layer with longer duration and lower volume); the tubular bells at the start shouldn’t be sustained like that, it’s mostly the organ at that point; the lead for tier 4 sounded a bit weak.
Oh, and the picture of Kefka needed to be of his laughing sprite.
Reminds me that I really want to either do The Extreme from FFVIII, or see somebody else do it. I think it’d work really well and just listening to it it sounds like it’s mostly fairy simple (only really matters for idiots like me who insist on doing things by ear).
yes, actually I think the third tier was based off that particular song.
I will agree with you on the female voice → male voice.
the staccato, you are referring to the voices or the organ? if you’re talking about the organ… I’d have to do that for every single note in the piece, as the reverb in the original is insane.
tubular bells in tier 1 or 3? I don’t find either of them particularly invasive on the overall sound of the piece. o.o
and in terms of the percussive organ, that’s just quiet. I think I started at 100% and just didn’t want to bother going back and changing it.
if you were doing The Extreme, how would you do those interesting vocals near the beginning?
but thanks for the feedback!
P.S. oh, and the one really big thing I hate about some instruments (like Synth2) are that they’re just ever so slightly OUT OF TUNE.
P.P.S. for those of you who said I spent a lot of time, that’s due to me forgetting about this song for months at a time. also, a lot of the parts are just looped almost indefinitely (until you beat that boss, of course).
P.P.P.S. I really hate those drums in the last tier gaaaaah.
P.P.P.P.S. also, that laugh.
It was the tier 2 vocals I felt needed more staccato + reverb, and the tubular bells in tier 1 that I thought were too extended. On listening again, I think the bells in tier 3 actually need to be extended longer.
I thought the laugh was pretty awesome, obviously not perfect but that’s like impossible.
As for The Extreme, the whole beginning bit maybe could just be left out, lol. You could maybe manage the vocals with just the female vox and alot of close-together notes of different volumes to emulate the slow attack, but those weird effects that pan all over the place would be ridiculous (maybe possible, though).
I did take a look yesterday though and it seems there’s alot more subtleties than I thought, and I don’t actually know anything about music so it seems more complex than I’d want to actually take on. Notessimo is so much harder than Mario Paint.
P.S. I noticed Synth 2 was out-of-tune too a little while ago too. :[
No promises I will finish it soon or ever. Took me a while just to decide on the Damant Spectrum, and now I’m wondering if I should shift the "Oohh"s down an octave. I am far too anal.