First songs

Read this.

It seems our announcement and the four topics in a row in “Help and Tips” aren’t working.

I didn’t expect them to, to be honest.

Thanks guys. Hope you like the song.
Sorry about the incompetance on my part.

Well it seemed too short to be a song. And the notes were a little too random, especially in the beginning. It all kind of seemed random, nothing was really repeated. And did you know that you can change the note lengths? Just click on the notes and select the length.

Sorry I posted the wrong song

 I opened that song and then loaded the song I wanted

But I still got the URL for the initial song

Yes you got the url wrong.

Wow, my veryveryveryfirst song.


Wow, I sucked :roll:


It’s sad that thats my skill NOW.

Most of this work is better than mine it feels like.

ANOTHER Sonic fan? Oh, wait, you weren’t supposed to hear that
 Please, don’t kill me

Hey, nice to meet you! (Although, judging by my gaming talent, I don’t think I’m ever gonna meet you.)

lol XD Never can make it to THEfinalboss, I see.

PS: Imma gonna go play my $2000 (that is truley $140) piano!

Not really much of a sonic fan. It was the only Picture of a Final Boss I could find.

So do you play the piano?

Good on you!

Here’s my first song.
Hope you like it :roll:
The song is named “Happy” wich is quite ironic since i made it a night i couldnt sleep because too much was going on in my head. anyways
 feedback? =)

EDIT: how do i put two instrument sounds on one note?

change the layer in the bottom right.

PS: see where the quarter note picture, the V:100 and P:0 in the middle bottom is? click that to change the note length.

PSS: awesome song

Heres my first song, you may like it, you may not, give me your suggestions and feedback!


this is my first song, i know that i need to edit the solo, and make the drums flow more fluently, and im going to add some synth, and could someone tell me how to post like when you open someone elses song, and not witha link

Mod: To post a song as an embed, find your song ID, yours was 44314, and put that number in the [notessimo](ID goes here)[/notessimo] code.