First songs

by what I can remember is DD got onto ix and he got i bit pissed…it really wasnt anything

ix nukes blow on DD’s fortress

nope nothing at all…

my 1st song ever!!!

  1. It wasn’t a bad first song
  2. Sounded a lot like random notes. Do you know about keys and chords and stuff?
  3. Was really basic. Try adding more.
  4. The drums could have been improved.

I agree with 1 and 2 the others would just mess you up

this is a song i made and this one has actual notes thought up. it’s pretty easy to figure out the song so i won’t say the name.

here is the link-----> ?id=44235 <----

1.add more notes you need at least 2 or 3
2. don’t leave it blank


Honestly…for #2…i don’t…

Start here!

Well you don’t need to know about that stuff for drums. I think if you want to make a song with a melody, all you need to know are the very basics.

this post was edited due to the link not working, anyone twell me how i can post my song on here and get it working?

Sadly the share feature is not working
you’ll just have to wait…until Starburst FINALLY fixes it…

Yeah, Kar is right, none of us can share right now. :frowning:

?id=0 hope the link works,

if the link doesnt work, tell me what i can do to post my song

The link won’t work, the sharing thingy is down. Just wait for Starburst to fix it.

thanks, i played a lesser version of notessimo before, but im not used to this version!

the embed thing wont work either, is it my song? i dunno if its really broken or not, but how come the id is 0

its broken and you can’t share your song

Read this. Not too much information, but it’s all we know.

This song seems pretty happy to me!