Pretty good. But what’s with the marimba. It cuts the song into pieces. Also, don’t use Strings #3 for higher notes. There’s that damn clicky noise that ruins the long notes.
Overall, pretty good. Pachelbel’s Canon is one of my favourite classical pieces
You know, I’m not sure why I chose the marimbas… I wouldv’e done the harpsichord, but then it was half way through the song when I thought it would make more sense… And the time I spent on this song already and it was about bedtime… Ugh, just thinking about replacing those marimbas… D: It just seemed too much work for one song. And I guess string instruments don’t bode well with the high notes… But hey, I’m still learning how to use the program, so there’s room for improvement!
Here’s my first song that wasn’t a copy of someone else’s work. It’s basically a mix of different themes all put together by the bass, which is my favorite instrument! ?id=35255
Two questions: Which of the 4 main sheets do you like best? If sheet 2, which part, the piano or the synth vibraphones?
And a noob question: How do you post a song on notessimo and change the link into a word? That way I could rename the link into the name of my first song, Moodchanger.
Sheet 0 and 2 were definitely the best. Sheet 0 sounded really jazzy and sheet 2 was cheerful. The thing I didn’t really like was the metal guitar at sheet 1. It didn’t really fit in my opinion. Overall, the song was pretty good. Way better than my first song, that’s for sure.
EDIT: Oh, and the link thing that you wanted to learn: [WRITE YOUR MESSAGE HERE](insert web address here)
~Very good!~
Ok, I liked sheet 4 with the piano.
Plus, do this [url=]Moodchanger[url]
But i prefer embeds.
Thanks guys! And yes Anthony, that was the worst part in my opinion, My favorite was actually the 2nd sheet with the whole Vibro-synth thing going on. The reason: Check for the bass. It’s epically awesome right there, whereas everywhere else it was just about the same. Thanks guys!
Here’s a try at that whole embed thing for a preview of how well free bird is coming along: Free Bird!
Yay! It worked! Thanks again!
Wow, I’m impressed with Free Bird. I tried a while back and gave up almost instantly lol.
But speaking of tricky songs, maybe it’s time I continue my TTFAF cover…