First songs

Awful no, its amazing. Its just that in the past… year, youve managed to add about a total of 50 seconds to the song

…next stop Mr.Green City!

Alright well, I find it awful lol
But yeah, I’m incredibly lazy when it comes to working on it -.- One of these days I’ll probably have a case of insomnia and work on it, and only that.

Quote my own post = fail…(and pointless) but I forgot to add

I cant believe its still here

This is my first nottesimo song. I must say it gets kinda loud towards the end.

Im considering this my first song since i havent touched the site in over 2 years…

This my first song, even though it kinda sucks i would like someone to modify it to make it a little better

Not bad! Hey! It looks like another me is coming up to bat. (rock)

Again, sorry to double post, but I finshed remixing the Piano Jingle that Captor did. I take credit for the drums, bass piano and a slight alteration in the chord progression, but the main part is his. There are two reasons why I posted here: (feel free to go ahead a listen to it) This was his first song, and this is my first duo song with someone else.

EDIT:Whoops! I forgot to mention Roastmasters, as he did the note duration changes. Sorry! Looks like that makes this a trio, which means the spot of duo is back open again. I wonder if anyone would like to commit to a partnership with me, like DC and Hypo. PM me if you would!
EDIT: There we go!

Sweet, my first accidental collab.

Hey , can you check out my first song. It’s not that good though , but it’s OK

sry forgot code ?id=36302

Just for your information you can change the note duration

Shush you.

This information is classified to anyone who’s made more than 3 songs.

Oh sorry I forgot…NO!!!NOT THE DUNGEON AGAIN!!!
faints out of fright

My song sounds bad ; (

3 posts in and already bein a crybaby…

make more than just the one song before complaining that your songs suck…

you know what , your right spacepixel. by the way , your picture’s awesome. thx dude

this is my first song, it suks but i just made a quick song to try and figure out this system (rock)