First songs

Freakin wicked

lisen to my song when i can fig it oiut kk keep on rocken

One of my first. Kinda soft-rockish.

Hey this is my second song. I just wanted it to be seen by some people. Itā€™s called Free. Sort of techno-ish. ?id=36995

This is my first song (Not Mine) From Tetris Attack

Ahh, that song brings back memories XD Nicely done.

Sorry. What?

Hm, didnā€™t catch that earlierā€¦ I donā€™t get itā€¦ itā€™s your first song but itā€™sā€¦ not yours?

I think he means his first song is a cover of a Tetris Attack theme.

Yes I Mean that sorry iā€™m from quebec i donā€™t speak english well ā€¦


I feel overwhelmed.

I heard that song from the ending of Yoshiā€™s Island

Its just an arrangement of the Final Fantasy Prelude that Iā€™m workin on. Its not done yet, but I hope you guys enjoy it. : )


me song

godofchucky, that was a pretty good song, 'cept 0 hurts my ears and thereā€™s some abrupt switches.

Howā€™s mine? I just went with whatever I could, and I recorded it all in one piece. I didnā€™t know that I could make sections of a song. Oh well, at least itā€™s not garbage. Please leave a constructive analysis of what I need to improve on, it would be appreciated.

First song composed in a really long time

This is my first completed song ( you may make it better)


Oh, you and I are gonna have tons of fun if you let me edit your stuff. <3

Really my second song; my first one isnā€™t too good.

Hi 1amazingman glad to see someone else from pr2 here aswell im rank 33 in pr2 you donā€™t know me but im a fan of your levels and stuff I also was gonna start an account with PooZy but he took a break from levels