Guitar Hero

Guys i can’t wait for Guitar Hero 4
I’m probably just gonna concentrate on making my own songs.
They may suck…a lot, but I’ll learn, and Notessimo may help me with it

I think Notessimo and Guitar Hero are almost nothing alike in terms of making songs, but aside from that point. GH: World Tour does sound pretty awesome.

i have TTFAF on my xbox 360, so when i do get GH4 i can put it on there and make it

I managed to get Hypo’s Smithy Battle onto my Guitar Hero 3 for PS2
I made a note chart for it, and went through a very complicated process to get it on there…it’s pretty fun to play lol

I demand that you send me a dime every time you play it.

Ahhh Hypo…you and your sarcasm…

What sarcasm? I DEMAND TRIBUTE!

Alllright then…how do you expect me to pay you?


Eye Of the Tigers Gonna Be In it!
And Hotel California!

Can I have the chart and MP3 plz? I too make custom GH charts.

I don’t know how I’d be able to send you the files…any ideas?
Oh, I also have Impetus, and some Super Mario World song I think they’re better than my Smithy Battle chart.

Have you ever used Savefile before? It’s free file sharing. That’s how everybody on Scorehero shares their custom songs.

Ohh ok. When I get a chance tomorrow I’ll upload them and give you the links. Can’t do it now cuz I don’t have the files on this computer.
And I just notice that ‘guitar’ is spelt wrong for the topic title lmao

sounds like a plan
“gituar” hero is awesome lol

… I noticed that a while ago… I think I even said it…

Yep… found it…

Ah yeah, you did…forgot bout that lol.
Anyways, here are the charts and MP3’s I promised

thanks a lot Kd I really appreciate it! Hopefully I can put them on a disc soon. Well anyway thanks.

You’re welcome I might make another chart of an original Notessimo song if I found one that looks good enough.