Guitar Hero

Alot of people don’t like it…i do though…although i must say its alot harder to lose now XD

Who else here isn’t surprised by this?

I wasn’t expecting it, but I don’t have any problem with it.

That was the most beautiful spam I have ever seen in my life…
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Should you not delete it?

When i first heard of this a fair while ago…i was beyond outraged.
Seriously, GH is only stopping because of the piece of crap rock band that puts all the popular music into their games to be better than guitar hero, however, guitar hero has what i see as GOOD music…rock band usually has CRAP.
Also, Guitar Hero actually helps some small bands by putting their songs on the game…and wheres dragonforce when you play rock band…oh…thats right…NOWHERE. IMO Guitar Hero 6 has the best songs out of all the other games…and everyone seemed to hate it more? I find Black widow of la porte Fun, yeah its insane but its fun…what is there on rock band as hard as that? hmm?

Guitar Hero - Hard Rock/Metal (few exceptions)
Rock Band - Pop/Rock (few exceptions)

Of course rock band are going to sell more…but guitar hero had great music, and some of it i had never heard of before.

But yeah i was really annoyed about it…
But not too surprised either as i saw the official score for the last game was like 6 :mrgreen:

On the contrary, there’s been great songs in both games from what I’ve seen. The only thing different about it is that Rock Band decides to have their songs put right into the online store rather than make 5-6 games a year to release new songs. So you actually have to hunt for good songs in Rock Band, not have them thrown at you in another major release.

That’s what the Rock Band Network is for. Small/local bands are able to upload their songs with tracks that they made themselves to sell to other players at a price they set. Now if that doesn’t help small bands then I don’t know what does

You don’t need Deagonforce for a good or hard song. Like this one for example, a nice easy listening song that’s incredibly difficult for drums and impossible for keyboard.

It was a good game, the songs on it were amazing. The problem people had with it is that it didn’t really offer much of a change from the previous titles. Sure your rockers turned into crazy ass demons with super powers, but that’s not really what music gaming is about. They tried too hard to turn it into an action/adventure game and clearly the target audience for the genre preferred the good ol’ “tour the world, earn fans” style play, myself included.

…wow, that was a long post.

To be honest, QVX, guitar hero has slowly been leaning that way anyway since the advent of rock band, even if rb does have a slightly higher concentration of poppy songs. Have you played GH:WT? GH5? (warriors of rock is an exceptional exception). The tracklists in both those games were terrible, with a small sprinkling of good here and there. Rhythm games are becoming stale, and it would seem things like CoD are the new center (no that’s not a spelling mistake, stupid American spellcheck) of attention. It would only make sense for the executives of a game that is, after all, a business product, to allow the game to reach a wider audience (and this goes for both games - especially in conjunction with each other, because after all, they were competitors), even if it meant sacrificing some of it’s musical dignity.

The problem is though, despite being about the same (or at least, guitar hero becoming the same) in regards to music, Rock Band has constantly been ahead of the game with it’s superior gameplay (how long do you think it would take GH to develop life-like instruments - and then how long before they were being sued for it?), open-ness (transferring songs and the like) and DLC library. I won’t deny, back when GH3 was around, it was great, but I can’t say that Rock Band isn’t winning because it’s better. Because it is better.

Not that I particularly care about either game now - like I said, they were both becoming too poppy for me so I’ve given up on rhythm games altogether.

EDIT: Ack, curse you ka-deuld-lee-ah, you ninja you!

Guitar Hero was better on 1 AND 2, Rock band tied with GH3, and all the other GH’s were worse than there counterpart Rock band games… except 6, but that’s only becuase I haven’t gotten to play it.

Also, I just order some PS2 to USB adaptars, so I’ll be playing FoF a lot more soon :mrgreen:

And to DC, British spellings are wierd. How do you get the sounds SIN TUR (like DUR) out of centre? That’s should sound like the word word sentry!

English in general is weird … think of all the silent letters and odd pronounceations. (Also it’s more like SEN TER.)

Sorry for butting in…

5-6 games aren’t made a year…and GH does have alot of online songs…(mind you theres not too many for the newer one)

And some random person with a spare $3-4 is going to buy that instead of a popular song? i think not…

First of all the is easy compared to dragonforce and black widow of la porte (let alone any song in the last gig on GH6)…except the bass…that looked kinda hard…and to be honest…i don’t really like that song…

They may have changed the style but your still getting more fans…

…wow, that was a long post.

Not really…

Now that I listened to your song, I don’t see how you can relate that to Dragonforce. It might have been good sounding during the first minute, but then there was a Major genre change, and it sounded horrible :mrgreen:

It also seems to require no endurance, a major point in Dragonforce music.

I didn’t exactly relate the song to Dragonforce directly. I pointed out that you don’t need a heavy/metal song to be difficult. I don’t know how you guys don’t like that song though, it’s an amazing classic. I’m just waiting for Harmonix to release some Dream Theatre songs that are pro mode compatible. That’d be the ultimate challenge right there, playing any of their songs on pro.

Close enough, they released a lot last year. And Rock Band has 2000+ songs in their store, with a wide variety of music.

They’re $1-2, and there are some pretty amazing songs on the store. The RBN has some mainstream bands in it as well, it’s not just unheard bands from some unknown town.

Rock Band killed them with their pro instruments. I haven’t been able to try the pro guitar yet, but the keyboard is a lot of fun. Took me about a month to be able to play easy songs on expert.

Guess i can’t counter that one…

What i’m saying is…if you had a spare $2 would you buy some random unheard of song, or say random song choice Indestructible by Disturbed?
Besides, some people can’t buy songs online…so if your one of those people your damn right f’ed.

IMO you don’t need 7 different notes…the game is fine with just 5…
Also…i HATE the rockband layout…can’t stand it, and the graphics look kinda crap…

You’re confused on the pro instruments. You can actually play the guitar to the songs…

And the keyboard has 24 notes.


Yeah, the guitar is a real guitar. You can plug it into an amp.

that makes more sense… ← Video of pro keys, drums, and guitar.

IMO the pro guitar should stay separate from the old one…