Having a Bad Day?


yeah, cuz I TOTALLY didnt do that on purpose.

I don’t care. Its not called x-mas.

somebody didnt have teir warm milk and nap

Actually, my mom didn’t bring home mcdonalds

Edit: I was thinking I was being off-topic, but then I realized I was having a bad day

“X-mas” izz moh fresh, aight shawty?

Woah shit…I just called guitarskills a “fine ass woman.”
It was an accident. I swear.

oh my freakin’ garsh!

Hi there


Well, this took another bad turn… not only is she still not talking to me, but she’s now going out with one of my close friends… talk about kicking a man while he’s down.

I’m beginning to lose my faith in karma… I’ve had nothing but bad luck for the past month now.
This depression I’m in is beginning to overwhelm me. Nothing seems to be going right, I’m losing sleep, I can’t focus on anything (school, family, me even).

well, dont commit suicide, as much as id want to, I believe in heaven (sue me), so thats keeping me going. Have at least one thing to keep yourself from that, whether it be a material possesion, or a sentimental memory, grab a hold of something, and if its getting too overwhelming, go to a clinic, because (no homo) even though I dont know you as a person, in real life, I, and a lot of others, would hate to lose you.

stay alive

Thanks for caring about me, buddy. But suicide is the farthest thing from my mind right now. I still believe that sometime… somehow, things will get better. I’ve got a few of my closer friends helping me through it, cheering me up and what not. My friend that’s going out with Nicole (the girl I mentioned), said he’d talk to her and try and set things straight between us, I’m really hoping that’ll work. And really, I’d rather have her go out with him instead of some asshole that’d treat her like shit.

Im good a negotiatimg terms, but i cant get MYSELF a date, lol so ironic. So many kids are mean to me at school, Im gonna laugh at them when theyre piss broke, because the people who make fun of me fail at everything else.

I’m the same way. I can hook a friend up with a date, easy. Myself, it’d be a mircle if I could get a date for me. I get insulted at school a lot too, majority of the time it’s because my hair makes me look like a girl. (Been growing for over 3 years now, longer than most girls’ that I know haha) and the other bit is because I’m on the wrestling team. Needless to say the most common insult is “you’re gay”, but it doesn’t bother me, since it’s not true. That seems to be a trend, the people who put others down are the ones who rarely succeed in the world.

WOAH! three years?! that’s crazy (in a good way)! Iv’e only lasted 1 year! It went past my shoulderblades (rock)

How far does yours go, Your Ass?! lol

My hair’s kinda wavy so it looks shorter than it really is, but when it’s straight it goes just below the middle of my back. XD

-______-@this topic

No, -_________- @ “Be alert; the world needs more lerts”

But really, blame the government…