Homework help

Yeah Latin would be good, because then it would be easier to learn other languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

In Europe, there are a hundred other languages, so you have to learn them. In America, We kick you out if you don’t know English.

I think we should stop off-topicking; I don’t want to decrease the nearing distance between Starburst’s minions’ fingers and the ban button on their keyboards.

We are talking about school, which is where homework comes from. it is our summer. My teachers told me to have fun over summer. Therefore, by talking to you I am doing Homework.

Where is it? :twisted:

Is it right next to the “Visit GlassGiant.com!” button?

http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=4037442 also, I hate you KD for getting me addicted to this game.

Is it a good game? It kinda seems drab and boring. (except for the art)

not for the simple minded, mind you. but make sure to watch the movie before you play.

Well hey, it’s not like it’s awful, right?

There’s a movie?


Bonus marks should not exist.

“bonus marks” come from taking the harder classes, as in taking a 10th grade class while you are in 9th. On actual tests, they put in bonus questions that are harder thanthe rest to try to help your score- when the average grade for a test is 47 (and passing is 70), you need them .

Why is everyone taking grades higher than their own?

1:You can get out of High school early.
2: you can have classes off 12th grade if you want to. as in you get to go home early.
3:Looks good for colleges.
4:You could take college classes 12 grade.

1 and 2 are for the non-nerds. 3 and 4 are for the nerds.

You can get out of High-School early? Unheard of over here. And when is 12th grade?

9th grade is ages 14-15, 10th is 15-16, 11th is 16-17, and 12th is 17-18.

Heh, in my case grade 12 is 17-19…

1st = 6-8
2nd = 7-8
3rd = 8-9
4th = 9-10
5th = 10-11
6th = 11-12
7th = 12-13
8th = 13-14
9th = 14-15
10th = 15-16
11th = 16-17
12th = 17-18

Don’t you have any grades before 1st?

A) first grade is 6-7, not 6-8

:twisted: Kindergarden- 5-6
and your parents can make you go to pre-k 4-5