Homework help

all measurements come out as being impossible to do after 90 degrees…

What are you talking about??


everything after 90 is negative, I think…

no. Try tan (any value 271 to 360)

I still get a negative number… might be that google is in radian mode.


Yeah but you divide 190 by 49.

Oops I meant 180 to 269

Will I ever have to learn about (tan) and (sin) and what not? It seems confusing :twisted:

Lucky they have their own calculator buttons.

I learned this stuff in 8th grade, I don’t know what’s up with the rest of lol jersey but we learned geometry pretty early.

Really? I guess the further south you go, the dumber the schools are in Jersey, because I used to live in Monmouth County, and what I did in 6th grade, we did in the first half of the year in 7th grade in Ocean County, so I was pretty much ahead of everyone else. I do geometry in my sophomore year (next year). I did earth science this year, and am doing biology 1 next year. In SS/history, I did World Civ. this year, and am doing American History next year. Now I’m sure the english classes (English1, then English2, etc.)are all the same as everywhere else.


Wow you’ve got your school years all planned out. How old are you during this?

When writing out your schedule you put all of the classes your taking each year. you can change it later though.

Well I have to do that for my Leaving Cert (in five years). Do you have to do normal history as well as American history? And why are the subjects numbered?

whats a leaving cert? is that your form of graduation? if by “normal history” you mean world history, yes. the Subjects are numbered becuase its the over the same subject, but is over different material about it. its a harder class, too.

Oh a leaving cert is the very last exam (when you’re leaving the school - clever name, isn’t it?). Do you have to learn a language apart from English?

well, I’ve only been speaking for Texas. So don’t expect New Jersey to be the same. In Texas, you have to take at least 2 years of a foreign language. If only 1337 or lolspeak was one of those :twisted:

That’s so unfair, only two years? I have to learn English, Irish, another language, and a fourth is optional!

I’m going on 5 years of latin :twisted: