I want the search option for browse

I do

I agree. In fact, just today I had to go 17 pages back through the browse just to find what I was looking for.

Eventually, Starburst is going to add the “List by day,” “List by rating,” “List by title,” etc… to the browse page. Certainly he’ll include a search box. We must continue to play the waiting game. Starburst! You didn’t go back into hiding right?! Don’t you dare tease us with a return just to withdraw a week later!

It’d also be easier to find things if we didn’t have crappy songs reposted 50 times.

Speaking of Starburst, he was on just 5 days ago (Nov. 13), could he be up to something? I would love to see another update. Well, as long as it doesn’t delete all of our saved songs (like what happened once before ).

If you have something you don’t want to lose, it’s best to be on the safe side an share it. I don’t know what 'burst is planning, but I’m beginning to suspect that he just stopped by to make sure we aren’t planning a coup d’état. (for information on the coup d’état we are not planning PM me)

kongregate.com/accounts/heartasword Look at my shouts for what he told me i think it was yesterday…

You sure do like to badger Starburst, eh Heart? Well, well, well, looks like the updates are indeed coming. Okay then: If you are currently working on a song that you don’t want to get deleted, it would be best to go ahead an share it now. The next update may or may not delete your songs, so err on the side of caution.

Here is something Starburst said:

The key word being soon. I believe on heartasword’s Kongregate account he said this:

Again using the word soon. He said the first quote just 2 days before the update. Soon, as stated in the second quote, could be any moment now! So yes, everyone, share any songs you do not want possibly deleted.

Remember though, just because the site was updated causing the songs to be lost once before, does not mean it will happen with the next update.

Okay, here is something interesting I found.
I was on KD’s Kongregate account and saw Starburst said he wanted to completely redesign the website due to graphics and space for the features he wants to add.

Ah yes, I forgot that he told me that… I wonder what this new design will look like.

Well on my Kongregate shouts, he said update the next 2-5 weeks i think… he even said “THE update”

Cool. So now we have a time frame. Now i just can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen!

I have a screenie in my email from him, so if anyone wants it, then email boohooo4732@yahoo.com andI will send it to you in a reply

What’s a screenie? Besides that, do you think this update will take us post-beta?

a screenshot

Screenshot !

Sorry that this is taking sooo long I was very busy

I am working very hard to get the new design done with everything graphically it is not final, however the layout and how everything will be positioned will be billions times better than what I did originally.

Hm, new design looks pretty neat. Don’t worry about how long it took, I’m sure you had other more important things to do. Can’t wait until it’s done

Looks great! I can’t wait!

looks cool

You can tell he has been working on this for a long time. There are only 7 thousand songs in the screenshot.