ITT: Recommend Roastmaster some techno

I, Roastmasters, am attempting to broaden my musical horizons. Techno, is one of the genres I have yet to explore and unfortunately… I’m dedicated. So I, Roastmasters, hope that you, notessimo, are willing to recommend me, Roastmasters, some DECENT Techno (that is if unless these constraints are to harsh and decent Techno is not actually “physically possible” then forgive me and just post away some normal Techno)

Here are a few examples of techno I have been recommended to by others AND I enjoy:

Decent Techno song
Decent Techno song #2
Awesome not-so-techno song-that-my-heart-is-convinced-is-techno

I actually hate a lot of the techno given out by professional artists nowadays (I liked the Decent Techno #1 that you gave a link to, though). Most of what I listen to is heavy, atmospheric tracks created by amateur artists on Newgrounds.

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(This one is a bit repetitive.)


(Cheesy intro. Everything else is pretty sick, though.)


(One of my favorites.)


As you can see, most good techno soongs are by Ian Slider, AKA cornandbeans, AKA king of Techno.

Oh crap… I forgot Cornandbeans makes trance, not techno. But then again, all trance is is techno at a higher tempo.

and one of his best songs:

just wait until the 4o something second mak… It gets epic. I also like how he put in a orchestra in the background.

eh, it’s alright

Nope, got bored about 3 minutes in.

Pretty good. Gonna go ahead and download.

Fucking badass. Commencing download.

Eh, don’t really like it. It’s respectable, but I just don’t like it.




Ravelocity…pretty fucking sick.
Repetitive but you get that urge to DANCE!

Attempt #1 Results: 2/5

Attempt #2 (more cornandbeans for you, motherfucker)


(Get a good pair of headphones for this one. It has an amazing intro)


(Another one of my favorites. It takes a while to get going…
Not sure why the artist labeled it as classical music)


(You’re probably not going to like this one)


I have already posted this!
and now this one:


Generic unce unce star wars music.

oh jeez

For a second I thought this was your ocean. But yeah, nice intro. Something you’d hear in a club. I want to say it’s an average techno song* but that would be an insult to the song and a compliment to techno as a whole. It’s alright. (*Average as in what unknowned posted)

Annoying intro so far. Sounds like some random 15th century ballad with a modern drum beat, mixed with every single element of techno I hate.

Really liking it so far. Drums just kicked in, this song is pretty good. You sir are wrong. Funky bass line. Okay, it’s 1:50, is this some really long intro or is this song just incredibly repetitive? Ok 2:40, this is some long bridge, something awesome better be on the other end. 3:00, damnit this is going no where.
You’re right, i hate it.

listens up to :30 Oh HELL no.

oh COME ON. More corn and beans? Wait a minute… this song isn’t actually all that bad… hmm. I might download it.

Ouch that really hurts my ego.

Sooo…Attempt #2 Results: 0/4? Damn, gotta start trying harder.

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heres the only good song made by a “professional” you know, someone with a record deal?
russian privjet

Everything that begin’s with Daft and ends in Punk.

Oh castle crashers, how awesome you are. As awesome as this track is, castle crashers made it impossible to take it seriously ever again.

No, too cheesy, piano doesn’t fit, drums terribly outweigh all the other instruments, and it doesn’t help that the drums were the worst instruments on the track.

Holy shit. I’ve been looking for this song for ages. <3 paragon. THANK YOU. downloads

Starting off a bit slow. Liking it so far. Very uplifting. Wow this is awesome, I can just fall asleep to this (in a good way). Ok this is getting kind of repetitive, even after the synth kicked in. Ok, the intro’s over i guess. Awesome piano, I hope it doesn’t wind up like that other song were i loved the first minute of it and it winds up being the same the whole song. Damnit 3:40, I’ve lost all remaining hope in this song. Unless a crapload of synths just burst out of nowhere then this song has lost all of my remaining respect. 5:11- .

But it was nice.

Fucking badass. commences download

Eh, it’s alright. Irritating yet catchy at once.

lol not techno k

Awesome. One of the best yet posted in topic, downloading.






[]( []( like the first one, cornandbeans (duh!)