Don’t let this become a debate about heavy metal drumming…
…and basically i’m against the pony thing because no-ones name is obvious except Starwar’s, also, fire is now rainbow dash which used to be guitarskills, which is going to screw everyone’s minds up. Also…people are going to come to this site and think…wtf is everyone a 5 year old girl on the internet? When people are (on average) like 15-20 year olds of the opposite gender…
If you do decide to keep your names as ponies…don’t expect me to call you by those names…it will still be Fire, Star(wars), Guitarskills/GS, Muselline, etc etc…also DC is part of the resistance…thus why he changed his name to I_Hate_Ponies.
But basically after reading my sig…you have a choice…change your name back…or you just love rap…up to you >=]
You know, setting up some sort of sub-community based on identifying yourselves as fantastical characters you’ve seen in childrens show and overriding actual discussions to your own ends demonstrates escapism (indicating a depressive view of reality), immaturity (lack of assuming personal identity/responsibility and relying on fantasy) and fanaticism (self-evident)
Just sayin’
(that said I can’t really criticise maturity when I’ve named myself thusly and am currently posting disheartening off-topic psychological analysis of this… “cult”)
Actually, by identifying ourselves as “fantastic characters” we are expressing our passion for the series visually and creatively by re-experiencing our favourite moments and imagery through expression and symbolism.
Our subcommunity is a place of conversation and support for the series but not conceptional volition, we would not correlate the characters and situations to our own lives as you said.
We are not immature, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic deals with important social and friendship skills and has plots similar to that of older-audience shows. The artwork and animation is adorable and the characters are all lovable with their unique traits and personalities. It’s comedic too, I’ve laughed on many occasions. It’s these element why I like the show so much, not because I want to be a pony but because It’s a very entertaining show.
Well I hate rap…nothing you say can change that, and there is no connection between MLP and rap as far as i can see. A better argument would be “change your name back or we’ll all consider you a furry,” because at least then there is a correlation between the two subjects.
@DC: I’m sorry, but this is the internet. People have been identifying themselves as you described ever since WoW came out, and even before then (that was a major turning point though), and trust me, there are much worse cases on the subject. To be succinct, the reason I changed my avatar and signature was because I enjoy the show and I thought that it would be somewhat amusing (I had much the same feelings over choosing the pseudonym “StarWars [XD],” as Star Wars is commonly referred to as being incredibly nerdy, but I only like it for the incredible music, story, acting, and technical achievements, along with nostalgia).
So do you guys actually have, like, a sense of humour
Also, Star, I should point out that where people associate themselves with favourite books, shows, movies and whatever - yes, I can understand that. A favourite movie is something that is a defining characteristic of a person, and makes sense to identify with in an effort to reach out to potential online acquaintances - all well and good. What I don’t understand is identifying with some “cult-like” (which I term as loosely as possible) self-congratulating loop of a community, based on matters not pertaining to the containing forums subject (I wouldn’t be raising the “fuss” [I’m actually just lightly trolling] I am if this were a MLP-centric board). Sure, you like the show, great, I understand that, but is that solely the reason why you changed your name, and not because of some desire to conform to this nonsensical group?
Anyway, do whatever the hell you want, it’s not like I really care - yet. As of now it’s just fun and nonsense and has provided at least a modicum of amusement for me. Just don’t let it get out of hand, for the sake of the community at large.