Octoviator's Songs | Now with 100% less polls!


Okay, another one minute song.

That’s just perfect.



Oh man GS, you fell slightly short.
Um… not really an actual song, more like something to throw out there so I don’t have to deal with it.

A bit a of a failed collab so uh, yeah.

Sounded way to happy. I had to kill my goldfish to make up for it.

too happy? so a song being really happy is bad? frankly I thought utopia should have been happier… especially for a name like utopia

I didn’t say it was bad! I just prefer sad songs.

And the whole point of Utopia was that it was a tragic story of false hope. Utopia means an imaginary place of happiness, not a real place of happiness.

Utopia sounds more mysterious.

Anyway, lets not make my thread like the last few pages. Keep off-topic posts to their places.

Hah. Your bot immunity is gone now Octo.