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says it louder I got my first Summer exam result. 90% on geography. That is really bad.

Ow my ears! DX
I heard you (wait, what?), I’m questioning why you’re saying that’s very bad.

Well I don’t know but I asked three random people in my form what they got and all of them got higher than me. :roll:
And I got the scholarship which means I’m meant to be the smartest.

But everyone thinks I’m retarded.

you got a scholarship at 13!?!

Well yeah, for Secondary school.

wait, you have to pay to go to school in Ireland? In America, your forced to go for free (if the cops find you)

For high school, I gotta pay $50 a year, which isn’t bad at all. I never heard of a scholarship for secondary school though…

Us Americans are forced into school, but only from September-June (or August-May in the south), which is actually quite bad. My year this year is from Sept. 2nd through June 24th. The finals are the 21-24 of June, and I only have to take two. They are both on the same day, the first day, so I’m done after the 21st.

tomorrows my last day of school. I have to take 6 finals (my last 2 tomorrow), You lucky duck :roll:

June 3rd? Are you serious? I wish I could get out that early, I wouldn’t care if I had to take all my finals. The earliest I’ve gotten out was June 13th (and we had no Spring Break that year). But wait, are from the southern part of the country? If you are, then that’s probably the reason for that. But you have to start in August then :roll:

No, we start in September (Texas FTW!!!) and yes tomorrow.

Do you get winter/spring break? How many days of school do you have each year? I started Sept. 2nd and I’m ending June 24th (well, actually, the 21st).

Nevermind, we start august 23rd. Last year we started in September. It was to hot to let us go back (+100 degrees)

Yes, in my school around €6k a year, not including instruments and stationary and lunches (which totally rip you off) and stuff like that.

You don’t have secondary schools in America, do you?

So you have different lengths of school-years every year? Seems messy and unorganized.

I’m out tomorrow too.

secondary school is middle school, and that much??? your rich, right!?! screw you, Ireland for being so evil!

The US is so big that we have this thing called continentality which is a weather affect that causes the weather to be very random. We avoid starting school when it is to hot. We also have el nino. So screw your crummy island!!!

Well I’m not paying anything so I don’t need to be rich :P. Like there are public (free) schools in Dublin but none in my area (I live in an expensive area). Like you’re smart, you could probably get the scholarship too.
And thanks, we try to be as evil as possible.


I’m not sure what it’s like in America, but in Canada, secondary school=high school.

I’m not sure what it’s like in America, but in Canada, secondary school=high school.

Eek sorry. I keep getting Canada and America mixed up. Like I imagine Canada as an inhabitable wasteland of ice, but I don’t think that’s true.

thats is exactly 100 miles above The US/Canada borderline, then it becomes permafrost. And Secondary school is the equivalent of 5th (maybe 6th) through 8th grade.