Please, fix the Share button.

Ahh I see. So kd has to leave in a frigid wilderness where he needs to fast on fish and melted snow to survive?

No, he actually lives within like 20 something miles from the border. I mean, this doesn’t look cold, does it?

Does he live under or inside the tree?

Hey it’s my school! lol

“Interstate Secondary School”? Talk about original.

Interstate? It’s Riverside.

I swear it said “Interstate”. Stop using your mod edit for evil doings!

I wouldn’t have put it there if it wasn’t your school… also, I just saw some wikipedia page talking about it to explain secondary school.


i dunno how to put a print screen into this but i swear it made my song id?=0

ill check tomorow if its just my pc being retarded

Oh no it’s back alright.

But luckily I won’t be making any songs for ages.


needs to be refixed >.<

It’s fixed, I think!

It’s broken again, I’m afraid.
Or at least to me…I’m getting an error when I try to share a song.

Yes, I get an error too.

Also Starburst visited the site earlier today. Coincidence?

Still isn’t working. Just saying.

I dunno. You could try and contact Starburst on Facebook, or his website. (He doesn’t respond to me.)

Other than that, we’ll just have to wait and hope things will work again.

Wow…thats almost as pointless as Mario going to save the princess when she’s already dead.

Which part? snicker

Contacting Starburst