Please, fix the Share button.

I did it.
How do you think we are all mods?

And he said there would be an update… And it never came

I said CONTACTING him…not him just going on the site and making 5-10 more mods or saying that he will…LOL…update the site…

I can give you his phone number.

Where’d you get that from?

If I told you that, I’d have to kill you Actually, I’d just go to jail. Or maybe I used the internet.[/url]

Lol =3

Damn it, Starburst. D:<

I hope he isn’t closing the site or anything.

He only gets 15 dollars a year from this site.
It costs 343 dollars to keep up.
Why can’t I find any ads to click on?

Because Starburst is truely awesome …hes just inactive here…

Well how do you know he’s awesome if you’ve never spoken to him?

Hes awesome cause he spends money on this site so that we can release our inner composers

Until March 2011, when the site shut down unexpectedly.

Muse…i swear…if you jinxed us i will hunt you down XD

Is it bad that I had to think for 5 seconds before I realized that it is March 2011?

Is it bad that I picked a random “future” date for my prediction?

If this site shuts down, I will kill you.

And you know I can find you.

I did the same thing…

I Want Share my new SUPER COVER

How much would it suck if the site was actually being shut down…but its not so it should be all good…soon…when the bug is fixed D=<