Please, fix the Share button.

Not again. blah.
This is kind of funny, in a not funny at all sort of way. B(

Tehe :3
Yes it is annoying…but not for me cause i’m not making any songs at the moment…except for the collabs i’m waiting for…it doesn’t really affect me…


Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say I haven’t been able to share my song for a few weeks. Can I do something about it?

None of us are able to share. It’s up to our admin to fix it. (Which might be a while.)

coughunderstatementcough last time it was like 2 months…

The share button is fixed now.

I’ve lost 4’33’’…

I’ll need arrange it again

BUT, i’ve shared 2 demos (Barbra Streisand ; Maniac) and the “little” beginning of “Can you Feel the love Tonight”

That’s great. =D


What the hell… First day the share function works and some guy already stole 2 of my tracks:/

Just ignore them … they probably won’t do anything.

…or we could delete them? We are mods now, you know.

Ya, I will never be mod

No, let’s just leave it.

I don’t think we can delete songs. I tried to, but it said that I’m “not authorized to delete posts in this forum”.

At the bottom select “Delete topic” from the dropdown-box and click “Go”.

Oh, thanks. :smiley:

It’s one guy, and he just did it again with the same 2 songs from yesterday… + i think he stole the other songs he uploaded as well… Apparently they were uploaded by a guest, but it says that the artist is is “Garrus” or something:/

Itenresting, when i saw it i thought… “it’s so obvious”