Please, fix the Share button.

I looked through that in order to ban him…but hes a guest…so we cant do anything…hes probably trying to say he is awesome at making songs to his friend when its actually yours…

Maybe you shouldn’t just ban people like that… they might be doing something else, or not know they’re doing something wrong. (They just want to be as good as Hellstick. )

Remember QVX: We ask questions first, then we shoot. Not vice versa.

But he should know that making himself look like the composer of another’s song is wrong.
Its common sense…hes stealing a song.
I must admit i did do it once…but it was with the demo song starburst made and my friend was well aware that he made it…but hellsticks is kinda different as it isn’t as obvious…

But still, Who knows what went down on that side of the stealer… You have a trail before you get your sentence, you know.