Post your songs(or .note files) here while uploading is not available

The latest and final update to my rendition of Green Hill Zone, an update to version 4 from May 2015.
Something I could do so far is overwrite one of my old songs I abandoned and share the link to the new overwritten song.
The reason being is that “Upload song” is not listed in my avatar dropdown on the main webpage. Nor can I find a button or someplace else on the site I can publish my songs.

The button changed place, it is now in the (+) button dropdown on the sidebar.


Might not be obvious, so maybe I need to change it location to somewhere else…

However in the V4 composer it will be more obvious as you won’t need to upload the file, the function will be built-in. This is mostly to upload older version.

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Oh I didn’t know that. Thanks so much!