actually…i was just about to do that…then i saw GS’s post
But yes i asked for a collab with RoastMasters then he replied with alright…then i asked him to start…then nothing happened…
The Cave (Old loop i never published (good for a game lobby theme?)) Collapse (Wicked beat, epic tune) Drowning (Slow intro, epic ending (i’d only really started though)) Mini Techno Loop (I was about to publish that <.<)
(Yes…none of you have seen these songs before…cause they were a revolution AND DAMN GOOD D=<) Blast! (Old, but had potential)
(Still gotta check to see if its in a random thread) Others…
I’m only really annoyed about Collapse it was my best song yet…
And cave was very unique…sounded awesome
…i just got on and all of a sudden all my songs where gone :’(
wait! i think i have blast and the cave already…nope…they’re the songs i don’t have (not collapse either <.<)
how many times have you seen a song full of random notes, said to yourself “lets see the other layers”, see layer 2 is also random notes, and go to 4? also if you wanna be super top secret put some fake sheets in and don’t show your real ones
K…i’ll start again…i’ll remake collapse…or try to…
But while looking for the songs i found 2 songs that i completely forgot about
not telling you the names though cause they’re published XD
WOOT found the songs again…turns out it was because i was using incognito mode for chrome…therefor having nothing there…
So now…i’ma post the song i meant to post recently…The Cave (note i did this AGES ago…but its still worth a listen )
The thing I really love about these collabs between you and Muse are that I can easily tell who did what. My only critique is that The drums were a little too loud and the piano was a little too repetitive. Good song overall and I had an orgasm at the ending (meaning it blew me away).