Random Facts

Celestia eats cake.

Okay, I’ve got the math for the Spiderman one:

Assuming Spidey weighs 160 pounds , and that the web is 200 feet long and he’s swinging at 50 mph, then the total tension on the web is about 300 pounds, more if he’s carrying a person.

A quarter-inch thick strand of spider webbing can withstand over 6,000 pounds.

Too much imperial! I’ll assume you’re right.

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The sun is so hot that if a pinhead was as hot as the sun, everything within a 60 mile radius will catch on fire.

I feel like your math may be off…

I feel that we need to stay on topic. At least say a fact after your done commenting.
Of all the words in the English language, “set” has the most definitions.


I believe the Docter is stating the fact that I might be wrong which is totaly OK because im stupid =P.
That’s a fact about me. LOL

Huh. I assumed his comment was meant for me.
The only number with as many letters in it’s name as it’s numerical value is four.

If you tilt your head back and scream while gargling cream soda, you’ll look like an idiot and possibly die.


Hm. I was not expecting that.

Approximately 66% of all household deaths happen in the kitchen.

This sentence has thirty-three letters.

I hope.

According to logic, Schrodenger’s Cat is a zombie.

It does! WIN.

Here’s my fact. It’s awesome:

If you turn your watch upside down while you’re in India, you get the time in the UK.

So did that only work the time you posted it?

No, I just read that on a page on ze Internets.
The numbers ‘172’ can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.

The formula to find out the odds of a monkey typing some famous work is as follows:

Number of keys on keyboard^Total Number of letters and punctuation=N^T

This is assuming you do not count the backspace key or delete key, or the enter keys.

EDIT: I am wrong about this. I talked to a friend of mine and he said it looked more like (78^77)*78

So, it’s way bigger.

‘Facts Random’ is an anagram of ‘Random Facts.’

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Well India is 4.5 hours (5.5 with daylight savings time) ahead of the UK so I don’t think it works.

Huh. Okay.

The “&” was originally part of the alphabet.