Random Facts

John Tyler, 10th president of the U.S., born 1790, has two currently living grandsons.

How old are they? Holy crap.

The only words in the English Dictionary that don’t rhyme with others are month, orange, silver, and purple.


They’re in their eighties.

Well firstly there are loads of other words in the dictionary that don’t rhyme. Also depends on what dictionary you’re talking about, as some have obscure words that rhyme with month, orange, silver, and purple.

Heh sorry for being all pedantic.

Oh, okay!

Here’s my fact:

I’m pretty much gonna post less on this because most of the stuff I’m posting, apparently, is not true. LOL.

Oh no! I like your facts. I promise I’ll shut up.



I just thought of this epic one:
It is physically impossible to do nothing because doing nothing is something, and you’re doing something anyway, being alive! Even if you are dead, you’re doing something, being dead!

How about that?

I disagree. The magic conch told me to do nothing and the magic conch never lies.

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People used to ride rocks.


It’s not a rock… It’s a boulder.

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Ohio is the only US state whose name contains no letters found in the word “mackerel”.

I am more a New Yorker.

Fascinating factlet.

Typewriter is the longest word to be typed with the ‘qwertyuiop’ row on the keyboard.

Actually, teetertotter is a longer word, and perpetuity, proprietor, requietory and repertoire all have the same amount of letters.

OH! Okeeee!

Nuse strikes again!
anyway…The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is at Russia’s Vostok Station. Temperature was -89.2 Degree C.

Technically, temperatures have been recreated in laboratories much lower than this, even almost -10 billion degrees Celsius.

The dot over the letters i and j is called a tittle.