Random Songs

I saw it in Browse. It’s fair game


ohh. It does sound familiar, but I don’t know exactly where it is from.

lol, thats another thing im working on! this is crazy!

get awesomed by someone


This song will turn you on

Wow, lots of awesomeness in these last few posts!

I’d have to agree.

And I saw a Bot listening to the Dr. Wily Theme a long time ago. Someone must’ve re-shared it, and you saw it or something.

EDIT: Listen to this amazing song. The google bot listens to very good music

I’m baaaaaack!

And I also have an 8-or-so measure loop. To listen to the whole song, click on this link:https://community.notessimo.net/t/whitefangs-pups-new-cover-follow-the-golden-sun/3360/1
I has my own song thread!

This is an arrangement of a band song called Silver Winds.

I didn’t write it.

Anyway,It has an Epic feel towards the middle (In the actual song)
Next stop, YouTube!
Well, I added a few things. Hope you likey.

Thats chicken from kongregate, go to the kongy forum and page 2 has him with ‘teh’ song

Hey cool I’m crossposting again. ಠ_ಠ


YOu should be bored more often LOL!

here is something I did when I was bored…

THE CUUUURRRRRSSSSSEEEEEE!!!..!>…!..AAAAAAA whaaateeeeveeerrrrrr…

I was talking about Piano Beat. More songs from me coming soon :mrgreen: !

ID=0?~!?!?!?!? OMG?!?!?!?!??!
lol someone deleted that whole conversation LOL

pianuughs…2nd part
evil pianooooos


This is pretty old song… It sounds pretty much Slayer sometimes and my goal was, that I tried to make something, which sounds Slayer.
Hope you like it. Enjoy!

This is mine ?id=26845 ENJOY! :) :) :D (hlisten) :) :mrgreen: :D :D :)

listen to my amazing song (hlisten)

Well… the beginning wasn’t so bad… but… you just HAD to go and ruin it eh?

I lqtm at the end!