here is probably my best song yet …dont know where to put it tho so ill put it here
hopefully u liked it
inspired by some songs ive heard like
-The Source
-Dark Dynasty (kinda )
-and many more
here is probably my best song yet …dont know where to put it tho so ill put it here
hopefully u liked it
inspired by some songs ive heard like
-The Source
-Dark Dynasty (kinda )
-and many more
A marimba solo I played a while back.
Edit: Uploaded a newer version with some modifications.
A song of mine from a while back that occured due to looking at others songs, followed by a messed up dream. It’s got elements of other songs in it from all over the forum and it just resulted in a chaotic mess. It must be confined to the random zone.
This is an earlier song of mine, so it’s really weird.
Holy crap that song was pimp!
well here is a piano song i made
be prepared…there may be a part or two u may say “QUARTER NOTE OVERLOAD!!!”
wells heres yous goeses
Ooo clave beat!
the least used instruments of notessimo banded together to make this song…and it doesnt sound too bad
they are: space sound
please dont tell all about the song u made that has only or mostly one of these instruments…these just arent as common as pretty much all the other instruments…i basically used the ones that arent in the ones ive made or most of the ones ive heard
I know this is really random but i remember someone posted a really cool song that had the sounds of nature, where is it?
my newest song
hope you guys like it
also super special notice!!! If u didnt notice this is one of my few songs without metal guitar
I made an interesting discovery the other day, so i thought i’d share it with you.
Listen to the following song the whole way through, it’s an excerpt from Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor”.
Once you’ve heard it through, remove sections 1 and 3 from it, and play it again. Sound Familiar?
Holy shit, without 1 and 3 that’s the TTFAF intro o.O
But uhh… 2 things here…
That’s a very interesting discovery! But yeah, put something like that here in the random songs, no need to make a thread for it…
Kd, it looks like it is his song…
Oh man, it is too lmao Sorry bout that. I just woke up don’t blame me lol
Another reason dagonforce sucks.
Along with the majority of new modern bands.
Well Roast…you probably saw what elpenguino said in the RPG forum right?
Hopefully you did…if you didnt look at the first post
Well anyway I’m droping this off…I was bored so I made this and i thought it wasn’t too bad…so ill post and see what u guys think…
P.S. sheets 0 and 1 arent all that great…after that it isnt too bad
Any comments or critism??
Don’t worry…I can take just about anything you say
Hmmm. It was pretty good. The harpischord was a wise choice, my friend. I didn’t like the toms though. Too distracting. Maybe you could make it longer.
I don’t want to be mean…but I don’t like it. I’m sorry.
It’s just once the drums started to kick in, I thought there’d be a beat.
Sadly, it came into retarded toms that were distracting.
Dude, music is like reading a book. The more kick-ass and intense it gets, the more the person wants to read.
Music is the same thing as a book. So lure us in, and wow us. Not give us a punch in the face or anywhere else.
The harpsichord is okay though…
© 2007-2024 Jean-Denis Boivin