Ok thanks guys ill take the toms out
but do you think i should add anything to that sheet?
And Unknowned…very wise words there…I’ll DEFINATLY take that into mind
And Fishrocker since you guys mostly liked it…well atleast the harpsicords…that was my fav part too
I’ll probably make it longer
Dude…your song beats most of my songs so if its a SUPER EPIC FAIL!!! then what does that make my songs
Ketchupyoshi’s song beat your song in fail…by like 100 times
I don’t get why you hate your song so bad…I know you’ve done way better but hey it wasn’t bad at all…
Here is something I’ve had in my saved songs for like months…I got it off the rubix cube game for the DS…can’t remember the name but whatever i slowed it way down and added some stuff…It’s KINDA (not much though) creepy to me
well anyway here you go
EDIT: Sorry in advace for the double embed but here isnt my newest version of “A song I made :P” http://notessimo.net/?id=33984
Wow…that was freaking awesome…but pretty much the start and sheet 3 and 4 i would call a remix…the rest is pretty much original to me…i think its basically your own song
when you said remix i was expecting the same notes but different instruments but…its way different…and in an awesome epic way