Random Songs

At first i thougth “well atleast my ears arent bleeding” and then i realize wow, the volume was at only 62% (rock)
Yes it deserves to go there…but sheet 5 wasnt too bad…the first 3 sheets would make a persons ears bleed…

Since there’s no trip-hop thread-

EDIT: Somehow, I had actually forgotten to structure Welcome to Hell, so here’s the reworked version:

Welcome to Hell (Oh What A Time We’ll Have)

This sounds like a typewriter

since there’s no real thread to post this in, I’ma post it here.
It’s a Notessimo version of Steve Reich’s “clapping music”.
basically, it’s a 12 beat rhythm played by two people clapping, but after repeating a few times (4 in this version) one of the people misses out the last rest in the rhythm, and then carries on playing a beat before the other person.
this repeats 12 times, until both of the people are clapping in time again.
sounds boring and repetitive, but I find the piece interesting. YOU SHOULD TOO.

(also, if you have any friends with musical ability, try and perform this. enjoy screwing up on the first shift. it’s nearly impossible.)

Its random alright.

My newest song…and its over 2 minutes :| (longest one ive done by myself in like MONTHS)
Its not too shabby…i don’t think its super epicly awesome…but its not bad
Sheet 4 kinda seems out of place…and the drums are really repetitive…but that might just be me…i can be critical on myself …i couldnt keep myself from posting it

so here it is

so what do you guys think???

Well I’ll be…that was your best song that I’ve ever seen. Sheet 4 didn’t seem out of place. The Damant Spectrum was excellent and the drums were quite interesting.
I know you’ll do better because that was quite impressive. 4.6/5.0.

Wow and that was coming from you YAY it was just me (rock)
Thank you very much…that is about all i can say
4.6 out of 5, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (rock) (not really but its higher than i thought i was expecting a 3.5 or 4 out of 5)

internet at church

the hell is this world coming to

I would reward you, but I’m lacking a clapping man gif.


Yay 8.9 thats still great…lol the clapping guy .gif…wonder what roast will say about the song???

Also another damant spectrum song
hope you like it (sheet 4,5, and 6 are pretty sweet )
all it is…is well damant spectrum…but hey it makes up for itself
so without further adue…Through The Forest

Thank you for the comments in advance

Nice, but a bit slow. My remedy: 150bpm. It makes it about a minute long, which is short, but the ending makes it sound like your making a loop anyway. It’s decent for only one instrument, but not anything great.

Okay thanks…ya earlier i thought it was a bit slow but I decided to keep it at 120 bpm
Truly I ment it to be slow anyway

P.S. at 150 bpm it is 1:31:15 so its not super short…still short but not a minute long
also the 150 bpm…it only sounds better on sheet 7 to me…all the others seem a bit…jumbled i guess would be the word for it…ESPECIALLY 4, 5 and 6
i doubt you will hear many fast forest area songs anyway

EDIT: Added Drums

Ironically, I thought it only improved sheets 4, 5, and 6. Odd…

I guess its just diffrence of oppinion…to me lots of notes together sounds like utter chaos when its faster…and that to me sounded cluttered
but its just IMO

chaos is bliss

Ummm i guess that is what you think…but i don’t like a song that is utter chaos…

Well whatever…i made finished yet another damant spectrum song
And going on with my damant journey theme (that is what I decided to call my past 3 songs now )
Here is “Inpenatrable Mountain” (it makes great use of panning )
I added some more to it

So what do you guys think??

Like I was saying,
This song was a little tricky because it was originally in 5/4 time.

Ya just a little tricky
nice job…and as i saw in your thread, your mom went to school with him…which is sweet

Woah, looks like an album name to me! I think it’d be pretty cool (and sorta funny) to see you put a special section in your thread called: Album: Damant Journey, with your three songs in it. OH WAIT! I CALL THAT! I’ll use that in my thread (once a mod finally allows me to make one), but feel free to use my suggestion. As for your song, it was decent. My problems with it were ovbious: it was repetitive. It lost my attention after hearing the same scale done over and over with a few minor changes every once in a while. Overall, I give it a 3.5/5, mostly for the top parts, which were pretty good.
EDIT: Oh, and you might consider putting these songs in the ambient thread instead of the random thread. Just a thought.