Rate the Signature!

0/10 exploiting cats for memes.


10/10 for the lulz

7/10. The art looks cool!

11/10 Almost as good as the wallruses.


3/10 you spelt your name wrong in one of them.

0/10 nothing to rate

10/10 Owner of X-tra records

what one?

Ha I made you waste your time looking,

0/10, repetitive.


0/10. Human, why do you use O’s instead of 0’s?

1010/1010 for core family values.

1246466136136t/10 best Doctor.

Jerk. I looked too. I wasted 20 seconds…

10/10 the period has cloaked itself…

0/10 Now I have to click on a spoiler.

Deal with it.

9.5/10 Cannibalism and Satanism

-5/10 for rating something positive and then saying negative things about it.

  • there’s nothing left to rate…