Rock Thread (Original)

Please dont look up suple venda in the dictionary… i sure didn’t

The main guitar riff for this song was created when my bother was trying to play jordan, man it was way off, but it still manage to explode into a giant wave of badassary

WTF I posted a funny quote here and nothing happened :Make a rabies smiley dammit: !!!

(WTF ftw)

What does suple venda mean (hlisten)

Suple- No actual meaning, just made it up for the lolz
Venda- Made up to, but didnt expect it to have a meaning, apparently a venda is an inhabitant of some country in southern africa


My second song. Hope it’s at least half decent.

Not bad, for a newbie here. But definetly better than my Scheiße!

3/5 from me
My advice: Try using notes that are longer than quarter notes.

Do I pretty much own this thread now? I mean yea i could create my own but thats only for people with an incredibly huge ego, I mean yea i fit thoose requirements perfectly, but still, this thread is already on its 23rd page!

My longest song yet, it features my attempt at an echo effect, it also features an attempt at me reviving the respect for all well known bassist everywhere! (hlisten)

Thats your best yet! 5/5 good job, keep on making songs!

Definitely the best song I’ve heard on Notessimo. Sparks of Inspiration, move over. Clearly it is stuffed to the limit with the epicness of 3 Joe Satrianis and a Steve Vai. Great work.

And 3/8ths Van Halen

I feel like I should call the suicide hotline…

ehh…whatever…That song was old anyways…

Hey, slow down, as egotistical as i may be there are 2 songs that will never be surpassed by the likes of me

1: Give it away by unknowned
2: Minimaliezolgiutiheilorgyist by space pixel

My heart belongs to them AND NO ONE ELSE

Hows this crap?

Meh, crapped it again


Made this cause I was bored, metal like song pretty good.

DJ your song was good not great but good.

I liked that one Sandy. It seems like it’d be a good song to make a Guitar Hero chart out of. Would you mind if I made that a custom GH song?

When I made it in guitar Pro it was different and yes make it in guitar hero.

I notice it sounds a lot like Metallica.

Ok. I just converted it and should begin charting sometime later tonight.
And yes, it did remind me of Metallica too

I tried to make a song thats 50% epic guitar solo and 50% an actual song, this is what i get.
You can’t tell me this doesn’t sound like metallica.


You can edit this if you want.

Why would you just want anyone to just take that song like that?!? THAT SONG KICKED ASS. If you seriously for some reason cannot respect that song, just hand it over to me and ill give it the respect it deserves