Sandalman's Hall of Songs: Achieving Mirth 6/12/12

The best part is how unrealistic it is. In real life the vector has like 13 bullets per clip and can penetrate car doors/walls etc with ease but in game it can’t even penetrate the air to kill someone.

Isn’t that called burst shots?

Well yes but its a fully automatic gun and if you tried to shoot just one you’d actually shoot 6 cause of its insane fire rate.

New song, metal with a solo. My personal rating of 4.4 stars. Yes, I’m making you go to the front page.

:twisted: Made a new song only to notice no one has commented on my old new song.

Identity Zero is the new song, front page check it out.

I blame you. There’s nothing wrong with metal! :twisted:

I know, the transitions really got me worked up at some points and I was sick of working on this song. I just tried to pump it out when it was listenable. You should of heard it before.


And we got a new song. Mr. Green time? :twisted: I think so.

Uh… I can’t exactly play the song because the one you posted has no notes…

Great song Sandal! I think it would have sounded better with drums through, to keep the beat. Also you could’ve added a better beginning too. And a song in general.

I think it’s meant to be this.

Ok, I’m gonna go ahead and say, I barely did anything on this song. I only made, maybe, like, the intro, I can’t remember, but I barely did anything, so I’m gonna say Great Job Sandalman, and he can have most of the credit.

Great song! The Tubular Bells were great. I especially loved the last bar. A lot.I thought though the ending wasn’t that good, I first thought it just a buggy gap in the song. Or maybe I thought that because I liked it too much. You decide.

The Dark Hour was a piece like not too many other Notessimo pieces here. I fancied the the tubular bell, the timpani, and the bass clarinet, as well as that main riff. The middle part was my favorite.

Thank You! :twisted:

Great work sandal, one of your best pieces! (Imo at least.)

Hey Sandal, I took the liberty of fixing Basket Case for you. The vocals were out of key by a half-step.

I hate dissonance, so I got rid of it.

Nice song.

Aww, the guitar is still too high.

Yeah… too lazy to drop all that an octave. At least it’s in tune, right?