Super Mario Thread

Donkey Kong Remix.

It suprisingly took only about 20 minutes.

All that in just 20 minutes??? Nice

So you say, Hypo? I think that this song can be done with a piano covering the tuba part and the xylo part. Here’s my rendition of this awesome song, 'cause it’s not overused like DDD (yet). Enjoy


Yeah, ok, I’m sorry for the bump (uh, let’s see… holy shit, 22nd of January!?), but hey, it’s ok, I have a legitimate reason for bumping (new rule I learned).

WARNING: This song may BLOW YOUR MIND, even though it contains only a small fraction of the epicness contained in the original. I’ll admit some of it’s not perfect. But it’ll do.

S’all for now, folks.

What the crap???

That was awesome

Awesome job DC!!


Sorry. Just thought I’d put that out there. I clicked on the link for original, and immediately hit the back button once I saw the silly YouTube symbol. I don’t want to get caught.

Well anyway, that was one of the best 4 min. I spent listening to music. An awesome job.

DC, just a heads up, I’m totally gay for you now. Nicely done.


hypos scaring me!


Very nice DC!

That’s one thing Google Chrome is good for! If you hover over a link like that, it will tell you what URL it is linked to in the bottom left of the screen.

Lol, thanks guys!

Yeah that actually works out pretty well, seeing as I went gay for you when I heard this.

I’m just sayin’. >_>

EDIT: I just remembered that I made a castle remix from one of the mario games back on page… um, 5 I think, that contained over 9000 degrees of FAIL. Looks like I made up for it! (hlisten)

It Does it in IE as well

And in Firefox

Hmm… I didn’t remember that in IE
And I don’t use firefox enough to notice.
I guess it isn’t special.

Back on topic.
Really liked this theme from the SMRPG.
Very melancholy and pensive.
Sentence fragments.

If anyone can find me a ROM of SMRPG i would be grateful

Hypo: Sounded great
Heart: Ask, and you shall recieve Go to the 13th page, it’s in the middle of the list.

awesome! now i know where to get some roms!

I’ve been getting ROMs from random places since August. And the all work (actually, I’ve only gotten 2 different ROMS)