Super Mario Thread

I like using Dash Roms… it’s a good site. And I found an awesome-tastic game there a couple days ago… Kingdom Hearts for GBA… friken awesome! I’ll never look at Disney the same way again haha. Now, someone put this back on topic

Oh you mean Chain of memories??


Heyyy, that works. Moving the convo to this thread. Good idea!
And yes, I meant Chain of Memories, I’m addicted to it lmao I think I’ve almost beaten it too.

I agree! There’s nothing better than Mario! Except the duck

Alright, I dunno if this has already been made… but here’s the Culex Battle theme from Super Mario RPG!

i think Hypo did it a while ago but anyway, good

How do you run the rom on zsnes?

Go to ‘Game’, then ‘Load’… then search for the ROM. It should have .smc at the end of the name.

i’ve got a huge medley that needs MAJOR work on it.
you can also play these songs on piano, so feel free to do so.
[notessimo]none available, yet.[notessimo]
themes done:
note: only 100% done songs will be put into the actual song.
another note: the (#) is what ‘sheet’ number it is, I seperated them by theme so you can listen to one or all if you like.
(0)intro screen: 0%
(1)file select: 0%
(2)peach’s letter: 0%
(3)bob-omb battlefield: 0% (can anyone help me with falling note trill things?)
(4)peach castle: 0%
(5)jolly roger bay: 0%
(6)bowser road: 0%
(7)bowser fight 1: 0%
(8)hazy maze cave: 0%
(9)secret slide: 0%
(10)bowser final fight: 0%
(11)metal/invisible/wing cap music: 0%
(12)ending music: 0%
another note: the following songs are not in the original medley i’m using.
(13)cool, cool, mountain: 0%
(14)lethal lava land: 0%
(15)rec room (DS only): 0%
(16)endless staricase: 0%
(17)the haunted house: can’t find music to use! if you can find any, please PM me!
(18)merry-go-round: 0%
(19)piranha plant lullaby: 0%

more notes:
I had to restart since I have to make everything 1 octave lower.
if you want to play it on piano at home, be one octave up.

Wow luigi, I’m not a mod but with all those songs feel free to make your own thread…

it’s going to be all those songs into one huge song, that’s what a medley is. I don’t need my own topic, this one seems more fitting.

Thank you for not making your own thread Luig. Pretty crazy how many songs you’re putting in there… can’t wait to hear it when it’s done.

well… I did get sheet music to look off of… but so what? it’s great music from a great game!
there is only one thing making me not finish the bob-omb battlefield…
I have no idea how to do it.
a glissiando is basically a falling trill.
a trill is a note that you play the note then the sharp of the note then the note then the flat of the note really fast.

speed up measures then put notes really close together

How’s this sounding?
Edit: P.S. Luig, on Youtube axelrod777 made a Mario Paint version of Bob-Omb Battlefiend. You can get some hints from it.

I am starting to work on a dancy remix of Super Mario Bros themes.
I only need 3 songs. The Course End Song, the MAIN Overworld Song, and the well-known version of the Underworld Song. We’re not talking about Pit, we’re talking about Mario. Hopefully I will get this done soon but I need the best qualities of those 3 songs.



Feedback please =3

Sorry, QVX, but that sounds extremely out of tune.

I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve tampered around a bit with yours…

Granted, my edit isn’t perfect, either, but this should give you a sense on what the correct pitches should be. If you need help, it’s always a good idea to listen to a Youtube video of the original music.

Again, if you don’t want my edit here, I can remove it from my post. But do finish the piece; I’d like to see the end result.

Reader: “Wait, who is this newbie and what is he doing going around like he knows shit?”

Hey no offense QVX 797 but 4in1’s version sounds alot better

and don’t worry 4in1…you being a newbie won’t hurt you You will get excepted pretty well…and the more music knowledge you know the better (which me at first…basically NONE )

Hey guysss what are we talking about? noobs? lololololol that hypo guy is a real noo-gets modded

Hey, thanks, Kamarai! (Though, I do hope you mean “accepted”, since “excepted” means pretty much the exact opposite. )

And now, I believe it’s about time I post a piece of my own: Mr. Ether and Planaria, the fourth blue CD from Wario Land IV. (Gee, I’d be so surprised if anyone recognizes this music…heck, I’d be surprised if anyone even remembers the game…)

And no, I’m not tone deaf; it’s supposed to sound so…weird.

(Gah I’m sorry for posting this crap; I’ll make better and more well-known songs some other time…)
So, comments, criticisms, disparaging remarks, yo-momma jokes?