Survival of the Fittest

Have you ever seen one of those “God-among-spiders” house spiders? You know, it’s about ten times as big as a spider you don’t even look twice at, and two or three times as big as a spider you watch out of the corner of your eye. I saw this mini-Goliath wrapped around a door frame and thought it was a shadow at first… surely it wasn’t anything living. Then I see it twitch. Then I twitch. I can’t allow such a monster to live and propagate a thousand more just like it! So I knock it off the frame, it flips out as it hits the ground with a noticeable “thud.” Lucky, I had a shoe handy (I’ll be damned if I’m gonna smash that thing with a bare foot!) and stomped it. Now, when you step on a spider with a moderate force (this was on a tiled surface mind you!), you expect that your foot will level off parallel to the ground, right? Not with this guy. It was like stepping on a freaking acorn. I withdrew my foot (rather shocked) to find it the the standard “curled-up dead” spider pose. Victory!

So, have any of you guys encountered one of these things? I mean, I can handle the average spider, but something about spiders that start to approach the size of a hand kinda freak me out. Maybe it’s because I saw Arachnophobia when I was 8…

Well, I never really see large spiders here in Ohio except for in zoos. The largest I’ve ever seen was about 2 in. (5 cm) across. I don’t consider that to be large because I know there are spiders out there that have legs up to 6 in. (15.2 cm) long!

dude at a summer camp there was a spider the size of ur fist in only our sites bathrooms and if u shine ur light at them it looks like a skull

not spiders, but the deadliest creature in existence… MOTHS!!!

I have seen 4 moths the size of my hand, or around there. Moths freak me out. A-LOT. I’ve found moths in my cereal before, well tiny ones, in the boxes. I stopped eating cereal for weeks. Moths are creepy. One time i got up to use the bathroom, and there was a giant-god-moth next to the toilet. I silently crept out of the room, and didn’t use the bathroom til about 5 hours later, when the moth was gone. Actually my brother killed it with a bottle of febreze or whatever, and it’s dead corpse was just sitting there. ("")(§.§)(""). more than once i’ve sighted a moth on the wall of my bedroom and opted to sleep in the kitchen with a sleeping bag. Moths will stay in the same place for soooo long. I think they sleep on the walls or something.

i hate moths.


This one time at summer camp i got stung by something rather. It hurt like HELL!
When I tried to pull it out I musta squeezed some more poison in because I was screaming so much and so loud that I was sweating man, MY pinky(where I got stung) swell to literally DOUBLE it’s original size.I had hold it still because it hurt when I curled my finger to the slightest.
Why I don’t wanna go to Australia, The Australian Sea Wasp has the MOST painful sting in the world!!! Seriously!!!
I hate stingers.

I went 15 years without ever getting stung, until last summer…


Same with me Except for with spiders

Holy frikkin’ pancakes. That reminds me of something that happened to me when I was 10 years old. Only one of those monster-spiders came down on me from the ceiling. I flipped the frick out and ran all over the house. Thankfully, my brother was kind enough to kill it for me.

a spider landed on me and i had my baseball bat so i whacked it to pieces and it died and we all live happily ever after except for me who suffocates from typing without stopping im dying help me i’m turning green!!!

Back on topic now.

(Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol )

one time, I vacummed up a spider. It was living until it was forcefully sucked into the vacumm, or because the vacuum may have crushed it while I was trying to get it alive.

Saying to Quagmire’s story, there was a huge fight between three people.
Then… it came closer, and closer like a stalking lesbian, aiming right down on a girl’s pants until…

It Striked!

Anyway, biggest fear would be angry mexican people coming at me at 9 mph (which did happen! Hurts like thunder!)

I cannot stand spiders. For that matter, I don’t like insects either. I mean, ants are fun, but eight legs and eyes is UNNATURAL… 0_o