
Wow, my school hasn’t blocked this site!
Now I’ll be able to go on…I wonder if I’llbe able to make a song without my teacher knowing lmao

same here, found out 2 days ago

hopeffully me too. our whole schoole is getting labtops for $50 (if it breaks then we owe $500) and you cant even put a desktop on it! it is going to majoraslly suck or be awesome! Im hoping for the first one (im kidding)

thats because tecnically this site is not a game site
its a art site.
music is art and this site is creative and expands the brain.

plus with its small userbase there is bound to be only one to two people in each school that even know about this site makeing it hard to track…

funny how smaller can be better.

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Hah, yeah that’s true. From what I know, I’m the only one at my school who goes on Notessimo.
Smaller is better…in certain cases anyways lmao (I wonder how many people will get that joke…?)

you pervert

Aha, someone got it What can I say? I have a sick sense of humor

ive kind of expanded the user bace at my skool by telling a select group of friends about it and they love it.

Haha same here, I’ve shown my friends a few songs. They love Notrssimo as well.

Kids think Im obsessed with music… it true.

coughno lifecough i kid, i kid

Lmao, nice one Heart.


Jk anyways, its not blocked on our Suckish/Awesome labtops!

Me too
I get your joke

Yes, so do I.

Awesome, I’m not the only one with an odd sense of humor.

Odd? I do not call that odd!! I call that humoresque!!!

Whatever it’s called… it’s awesome lol

lol I got it Kd. I can go on in my school (but I can’t because I already had tech). Me and my friend Ben (Benzee on Notessimo)are the only people in my school who go on Notessimo.