Techno Thread

Finally made a song!!!

Well, heres a remix of a song i found on youtube.

and heres the link to the video…

[ ... re=related](

EDIT: Crap, i misspelled original in my song’s “by” name.

first original in a while, please tell me what you think and dont just say it was great, CRITICIZE ME!!!

I love it dude




My first try in techno, and i suck.

Oh boy. As much as I hate to do this, I’m going to have to tell you the bad news. You have 6 months to live. You have cancer. (Joking.)

Here’s the REAL bad news:

Fireball, Default is not an okay song.
The drum beat is pure…CRAP.
The bass line can’t really put on anything interesting until the violins, piano and the metal guitar came along. Very short-lived.
Fireball, you’ve got to learn how to make music and lure in the auidence. Like I said, music is like a book.
Lure in the readers. Lure in your auidence. Wow the reader, wow the world…see where I’m going.
Focus more on the songs instead of something that seems to be made in half an hour.
Sorry if it’s offense but this is what I had to say. It’s what criticism is all about.
So do better next time.

I was going to say that.

now now, I admit this song isn’t going to blow people away, but I think Unknowned was a bit too harsh. For the same repetitive tone over and over it wasn’t all that bad, but there was no creativity to it which made it start to get boring about a minute in. While the drumline isn’t that good, I wouldn’t say it’s crap. I guess I’ve spent some time in the browse section and seen the true definition of crap there. The one thing wrong with the drums is there’s no real beat to it, and it’s also pretty dull. You need more than just a bass and a snare drum for 95% of the songs. add at least some hi-hat in there and rework the rhythm of it and it could be solid. As for the added synth…1 I think it is? (the bright green one), there was good and bad with it. There are some parts that showed some creativity…then there were parts that sounded like you closed your eyes and just started clicking away. If I had to rate it would be about 2.5 out of 5, because there is potential to turn this into a good song, but there were glaring inconsistencies that kept me from rating any higher. Add some more variety and take away some of the monotonous of the song and it could easily be a 4 or better rated song.

Guess what? I’m about to criticize your criticism!

Protip #9: Criticize the notessimoer based on their abilities, not on everyone elses. Remember my trademark unknowned scale? It was used to criticize you based on what you’ve done in the past to make you better. You can’t give critique to someone as if they were on your level. Thats like teaching a 2nd grader calculus. All that’s going through their head is “the hell am I learning?”


As for the song, I like how you were actually able to mix it up with the synth and keep me awake (good thing), and am I the only one that thought the violin was good or is the violin always good?

I LOL’ed

It’s better, but still not good.

It’s definitely a lot better. The Synth doesn’t quite sound so random (although it still does at times) and the drum line was much better. Still though there’s a lot of repetition which does make you want to quit listening half way through, and I still would like to see some hi-hats added in the drumline. My 2.5 rating goes up to about a 3.7 rating. Not bad not bad!!

Wow, I thought snails were slow, but that last measure, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

LOL. Thanks.

lol I like how half the song is in sheet 19. But yea, probably your best song as far as i know.

My latest attempt at techno

Very… techno-ish.

Just realized after going through 20 pages of this and search I never posted this song in here.


Here’s my newest song: Synth City

The song sounded so video gamish, i nostagia’d about games in the 80s that i never even played.