Techno Thread

You may now call me, Thee Unknowned.

Hey can you check out my song?Fast Techno Beat - Songs - Notessimo (rock)

Here is my latest song…its not all that great and it isnt finished but i had to know what you guys think and think i should change

oh jeez here comes another desperate attempt by roastmasters to make a techno song oh jeez

This is pretty much what went down in my head:

1st Minute- “Holy crap this synth is awesome why haven’t I ever used it before? Time to play with it for a whole minute”
2nd Minute- “Ok, time to serious up, lets add some instruments, no more experimenting.”
3rd Minute- “Hmm… have I ever made the bass instrument lead in a chorus before?”
4th Minute- “Hey, I’m going to use 8 layers of the same instrument, since it would probably sound cool since it’s the synth”
5th Minute- “Lets break this down, RANDOM PANNING GO GO GO”

<3 synth

Wow, you must really heart synth.

Just made a techno song, but its only an intro. Hlep me spice it up!

Sorry about the double post this is it

my first attempt at techno I think it’s pretty good it’s unfinished but I want to see what people think

LOL nice ending roast…

That was the best techno song ive ever heard in my life
But man…just think if you ended it good…

hellz to the yeahz


orly? I personally thought the last few notes sounded awesome, scary but awesome.

added a little more now im stuck please can I have a suggestion

maybe you could slowly take one instrument away at a time
i liked the start too
well done!!
This is a fairly “cheesy” song

read the rules before you post… you are not supposed to embed more than one song per post


This one is clearly alot better…


Added a lot more to my techno song.

No offense, but that was really repetitive.

added more after getting un-stuck

(rock) That was freaking … AWESOME!!! (rock) I wish I was that good :|

Consider this still in the works.

Respect for techno music +10. Only complaint is you overused sheets 16-18, it ias the best part of the song but the magic kind of wears off the 19th time.

But yes, Give It Away = Circus express > So blind > everything else